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New versions already?!


As many of you noticed, GM10's last update broke the ULX admin menu. Here's the fix and a few other goodies!


--- Quote ---v3.02 - *(01/10/07)*
   * [CHANGE] Admin menu won't spam console so bad now
   * [FIX] Some more command crossbreeding issues (IE ragdolling jailed player)
   * [FIX] Teleport commands able to put someone in a wall. This is still possible, but much less likely.
   * [ADD] Motd manipulation. Auto-shows on startup and !motd
   * [ADD] toolallow, tooldeny, tooluserallow, tooluserdeny. Works fine, but is EXPERIMENTAL!
--- End quote ---

As always, download from our homepage at


--- Quote from: Megiddo on January 10, 2007, 10:34:22 PM ---As many of you noticed, GM10's last update broke the ULX admin menu. Here's the fix and a few other goodies!

As always, download from our homepage at

--- End quote ---

Haha, I warned you about the teleportation putting people in walls!

Please add it so clients can not shoot out of jail, also they can be killed when frozen and add the ability to strip weapons from client. Also ad the blind command to the admin menu. Thank you

nice work megiddo, and all the other people of the Ulysses team off course :)


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