PUDS v0.2.7
PayPal-ULX Donation System
This web based application is an automated donation system.
This has been made to ease the strain on myself on my server when users donate and I'm not around to add them to the correct rank they donated for.
PUDS solves this issue.Since I don't know Lua this method works for me and is customizable to my linking.
I have tested this extensively on my server and using paypals Sandbox, the scripts can be edited to work with the sandbox easily, I recommend you google how the sandbox works before playing around with it.
If there is any bugs/features you would like please comment here or on github!Features:- Automatic Promotion to the correct ULX group upon successful payment.
- The user does not need to be ingame for it to work! The server just needs to be online.
- Provides a framework for custom donation systems without the use of LUA addons.
- E-mails buyers of successful payment & promotion or if the payment or promotion failed.
- Saves donator information to a MySQL database for future processing (eg creating a list of donators)
- Users can log in through Steam to fill out their details
Example:This is my own setup for my sandbox server, hosted on my website. Using the ULX MOTD to pass things such as the player's steamID, map, hostname to the index.php I created for my MOTD. It autofills out player name and SteamID when they view it ingame, this speeds up the processes further and helps to ensure there is less chance of mistakes happening, though the player can still change the data (perhaps they want to donate on behalf of someone). Once the player donates through the MOTD they automatically get the rank within a few seconds.
Requirements:Installation:https://github.com/Wully616/PUDS/wiki/Installation-Tutorial-%5BPartially-Outdated!%5DPayPal Sandbox Testing Tutorial:https://github.com/Wully616/PUDS/wiki/PayPal-Sandbox-TutorialChangelog:
Minor Fix
A login loop was caused by a function being commented out. This is now fixed.
Version 0.2.7
Implemented a new login system.
Fixed directory redirection using absolute referencing
Implemented, broke, then fixed a web based config!
Version 0.2.6
Fixed Steam login issue.
PUDS has some config changes be sure to check the config.php file!
PUDS now requires a Steam API key! http://steamcommunity.com/dev/registerkey
Version 0.2.5
Escaped MySQL inputs.
Version 0.2.4
Users can now log into Steam to get their ingame name/SteamID to simplify the process.
Checked the first rank on the donation page by default to make sure something is indeed sent to paypal.
Version 0.2.3
Fixed broken rcon commands.
Fixed db config (again)
Version 0.2.2
Escaped database username/passwords etc. (oops)
Added option in the config file to specify the command for each rank
Fixed issue with closing mysql connection when DB wasn't in use. (Thanks born2beatu)
Fixed undefined variables for the config file. (Thanks born2beatu)
Fixed depreciated eregi in paypal.class.php to preg_match. (Thanks born2beatu)
Added install.php form to write a config file - WIP
Version 0.2.1
Fixed: New lines in the log not working,
Fixed: Security issue where rcon passwords were shown in log file and could be accessed if user didn't change the log file permissions. (removed displaying the password)
Version 0.2:
Made the web application more easily configurable (everything is now done in config.php)
Donation prices and ranks are stored in arrays and the index.php is dynamically generated based on the number of ranks/prices. (So you can now enter as many ranks/prices as you wish in the config.php file and don't need to edit the index.php file or ipn.php file anymore!)
Download:Right here: https://github.com/Wully616/PUDSSupport:If you wish to support me I would appreciate any donations for helping to automate your server donations
Donate to Wully Here