Author Topic: PUDS v0.2.7 - PayPal-ULX Donation System  (Read 349472 times)

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Offline Sam Johnson

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2013, 01:49:24 PM »
This is a really great system!
I though have a request. Is it possible to add the feature so they get auto demoted to the rank they had before when x ammount of time goes?
We have some monthly/half year subscriptions and it's getting really hard to filter those out and demote them if they dont want to continue.

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2013, 04:45:03 PM »
This is a really great system!
I though have a request. Is it possible to add the feature so they get auto demoted to the rank they had before when x ammount of time goes?
We have some monthly/half year subscriptions and it's getting really hard to filter those out and demote them if they dont want to continue.

There's another modification that does that already. Though it would have to be modified to your liking
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
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Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2013, 03:25:00 AM »
having a small issue after the paypal transaction is complete the donator gets this as an email
Code: [Select]
Thank you for your purchase

Your rank information

Is there any
There has been an issue when adding your SteamID to the correct usergroup.
Please contact the server admin to resolve this issue.
Ive tested it my self and i get the same results if i check the php table the info is there (seen here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2418443/images/php.JPG)
i get the money from the transaction and im positive i set up the config.php correctly.

EDIT: upon investigation i found in the error log  the ip the port and the pass are all correct im not sure what the issue is....

I had this issue myself when I changed the configuration, I thought it may have been my host being a derp and blocking outward connections to my serverIP, but I tested the Rcon script on its own and it connected fine, but not in the donation system.
Setting the permissions on rcon_code.php to 755 worked for me last night, although I have just tested it again twice just there with default permissions (644) and it connected to my rcon fine.
Its a long shot but check your websites IP address isn't in the banned_ip.cfg file in your garrysmod/garrysmod/cfg directory. (as too many failed rcon attempts will ban the IP)

It could also be that the connection is taking too long and timing out.

A successful donation should print like this in the log.txt
Code: [Select]
Connected to database
Table exists, Connecting to table.
IPN Validated.
test@wullysgamers.co.uk wully 1.00 STEAM_0:0:14806053 iron
Added to database.
IP: Port: 27065 Password: <password removed> Command: ulx adduserid STEAM_0:0:14806053 iron
(Console) added [WB] Wully to group iron
ServerLog: [ULX] (Console) added [WB] Wully to group iron

My only suggestion is to check if you can connect to your server through your rcon password in a client like HLSW or something. Make sure in your configuration you have not left in the colon(:) after the IP address and make sure the port is correct.

I'll try my best and make a tutorial today explaining how to test paypal stuff in paypals sandbox - this uses mock accounts which you create on paypal to pay money, it means your not using your own real money to test the system before its ready.


Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2013, 03:32:33 AM »
This is a really great system!
I though have a request. Is it possible to add the feature so they get auto demoted to the rank they had before when x ammount of time goes?
We have some monthly/half year subscriptions and it's getting really hard to filter those out and demote them if they dont want to continue.

Thank you Sam :)

Yes I could certainly add that, as chaos said, it would be easiest to use the ulx addtempuser. http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5953.0.html
I could add it in so that you can select in the config whether to use ulx addtempuser or ulx adduserid.
This could be on a per rank basis, eg. one rank is a permanent rank and other ones are only temp, with configurable times of course.

I think I will also add in an extra column or two in the MySQL table showing the date they donated and if it is a temprank, another column for when it will expire. Since currently the only way to check the dates right now is to check your paypal account.

Would admins who use this like a feature that it e-mails yourself when a users donated? As well as any details if there was an issue with the donation?

I go away to Insomniai49 on Thursday but I will try and get any remaining bugs squashed and get a sandbox tutorial up for you guys to test it properly :)

PayPal Sandbox Tutorial done:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 04:57:31 AM by Wully616 »

Offline bender180

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2013, 08:49:42 PM »
Thanks for the reply I will try out what you said on Thursday as I'm away from my computer (posting on phone)and I'm busy until then. I will try the permissions and check the banned ips then HLSW works fine I was using it the same day I set up the system to see if it was working. As for the sandbox I was using that to test I only twice used the live PayPal and I used existing funds.

Edit:Worked with my host to get this working. Their firewall was blocking the request, they adjusted the firewall and now its working. :)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 08:59:48 AM by bender180 »
Made community pool and community bowling and for the life of me couldn't tell you why they are popular.
Also made the ttt ulx commands.

Offline DoubleN

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2013, 06:37:47 AM »
Hello. Great system. Is it posible for it to change the rank on forums. I use MyBB.

Offline Prentice

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Re: PUDS - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2013, 11:14:41 AM »
Sorry if I missed it, however I was wondering how to get use the ulx motd feature to auto-fill in the details?

Thanks for this great addon!

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.2 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2013, 03:56:52 PM »
Added the ability to specify the command per rank:

Code: [Select]
$prices = array("1","2","3","4"); //prices for each rank, do not include currency symbol
$ranks = array("iron","bronze","silver","gold"); //ulx group names of each rank corresponding to the same array position in $costs
$commands = array("ulx adduserid $steamid $rank","ulx adduserid $steamid $rank","ulx adduserid $steamid $rank","ulx adduserid $steamid $rank"); //commands for each rank, these will support other commands in the future

This is a quick way to do this right now, I will make a webbased form for creating each donation rank/service which will be a lot easier to use.

For now, in the above example, each position in the arrays corresponds to each other array, eg position 0 in $prices corresponds to position 0 in $commands and $ranks.

In the $commands array it can use variables such as $steamid $rank and $name (which should hopefully be the ingame name specified in the donation form) to build the command for that donation.

I'm not sure if ulx tempadduser supports steamIDs but if it does the the command for that could be:

Code: [Select]
ulx tempadduser $steamid $rank 60
It could be used for pointshop right now in this form I think, I don't know what the pointshop command is for adding points to a player though  :P

Offline thetomm2010

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Re: PUDS v0.2.3 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2013, 03:20:52 PM »
this is awesome I use this for a lot of stuff Is there anyway to make it so people just use there steam login instead of having them put in there steam ID?

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Re: PUDS v0.2.2 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2013, 07:15:41 AM »
It could be used for pointshop right now in this form I think, I don't know what the pointshop command is for adding points to a player though  :P

Code: [Select]
self:PS_GivePoints( xxx );

replace xxx with how many points you want to give the player.

I am not fully sure if this is going to work, so you would have to test it wully and then add it to your awesome release :)

Hope I could add something to this ;)

And TempAddUser supports SteamIDs now!

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.3 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2013, 05:44:21 AM »
Apologies for the slow development recently. I'm due to fly to London on Sunday to start training for a graduate job I got, I will be in London for 6 weeks. I imagine I will have free time at the weekends and unless I'm studying I plan to work on this.

If there is any major bugs, by all means contact me on Steam or post on github, a couple of people have already added me on Steam and have helped me to find bugs.

this is awesome I use this for a lot of stuff Is there anyway to make it so people just use there steam login instead of having them put in there steam ID?

I will try to implement this today, out of all the things on my todo list I think I could do this quickest.

Offline thetomm2010

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Re: PUDS v0.2.3 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2013, 11:51:29 AM »
Awesome!! Hey your killin it keep it up.

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.4 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2013, 03:47:42 PM »
Version 0.2.4
Users can now log into Steam to get their ingame name/SteamID to simplify the process.
Checked the first rank on the donation page by default to make sure something is indeed sent to paypal.

The SteamAPI made by Rob McFadzean caches the users profiles, to save multiple requests to the Steam Web API.

Users can still input their steamID manually if they wish.

Edit **

I have been working on the web based config system, you can view it and mess about with it here, be aware I'm still editing it so things may change.
Input the details and click Save and it will write to the config file, click Load to load the config file data for editing.
I plan to make this require a Steam login in which the first person to log in will become the admin by default, from then on only the admin will be allowed to edit the config.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 08:41:14 AM by Wully616 »

Offline bender180

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Re: PUDS v0.2.4 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2013, 11:57:36 AM »
hey uh wully for some reason firefox thinks the page you linked is malicious, just a heads up
Made community pool and community bowling and for the life of me couldn't tell you why they are popular.
Also made the ttt ulx commands.

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.4 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2013, 12:31:09 PM »
hey uh wully for some reason firefox thinks the page you linked is malicious, just a heads up

Its a bad day when google blocks your site :S I sent them a report to say their review is false :)

Once I've finished the web based system it will be on github anyway :D