Author Topic: PUDS v0.2.7 - PayPal-ULX Donation System  (Read 348418 times)

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Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2013, 11:53:59 PM »
Well on the main post it has the tutorial on how to use the paypal sandbox here it is again in case you missed it.

Yeah, I tried sandbox before, didn't go so well... I'll give it another shot.
Uhm, whats a signature?

Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2013, 01:39:12 AM »

Unfortunately, the blank email is caused by the message being defined and locked in with blank variables before the rank etc is confirmed.

A simple fix would be to implement the message's definition in the IPN, right before you send it, rather than in the config, where $rank, $steamid, and all that have not been defined yet or are completely unknown.
Uhm, whats a signature?

Offline Noodlepad

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2013, 11:36:12 AM »
Hello, thanks for spending time with this script! I'm grateful that somebody does it, but I'm struggling with some problems.

The logs says that it's unable to connect to my Rcon, but I've written in the right IP, Port and RCon password.. What's wrong with it? :(

Connected to database
Table exists, Connecting to table.
IPN Validated. qvist #Coding 15.00 STEAM_0:0:41508447  Moderator
Added to database.
IP:  Port:  Password: HIDDEN Command: ulx adduserid STEAM_0:0:41508447  Moderator
Unable to connect!Unable to connect to Rcon, please check your configuration.

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2013, 02:01:32 AM »
Hello, thanks for spending time with this script! I'm grateful that somebody does it, but I'm struggling with some problems.

The logs says that it's unable to connect to my Rcon, but I've written in the right IP, Port and RCon password.. What's wrong with it? :(

Connected to database
Table exists, Connecting to table.
IPN Validated. qvist #Coding 15.00 STEAM_0:0:41508447  Moderator
Added to database.
IP:  Port:  Password: HIDDEN Command: ulx adduserid STEAM_0:0:41508447  Moderator
Unable to connect!Unable to connect to Rcon, please check your configuration.

Assuming you're using notepad++ to edit the server.cfg file, make sure you press tab after you put rcon_password    "password"

So it should look something like this, and make sure you have the password for rcon in quotes. (This is what my server.cfg looks like so yeah.)

Code: [Select]
hostname "#1 Dev Server - Mr. Apple"
sv_kickerrornum 0
rcon_password "InsertPasswordHere"
sv_loadingurl ""
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Offline cah98

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #64 on: November 22, 2013, 01:32:56 AM »
Should the person donating press this donate image when they have entered their steamid and name? because when i press it nothing happens at all except for the site refreshing.

Offline rhys54

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2013, 03:51:27 AM »
Does anyone know how to make this work for multiple servers it has been confusing me!


Offline JamminR

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2013, 09:04:23 AM »
rhys54, I've not used this, but it seems to only be made for one server.
Depending on whether or not it stores the donator's steamID in the MySQL database list, if it does, you could design/find a SQL system to control ULib access across multiple servers.
There are many mentions and even a release or two here within the Ulysses community for SQL. Unfortunately, most are even more complicated than what this release seems to be.
Gmod just doesn't seem to have an easy to drop-in solution for SQL system across multiple servers.
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Offline rhys54

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2013, 11:12:54 AM »
rhys54, I've not used this, but it seems to only be made for one server.
Depending on whether or not it stores the donator's steamID in the MySQL database list, if it does, you could design/find a SQL system to control ULib access across multiple servers.
There are many mentions and even a release or two here within the Ulysses community for SQL. Unfortunately, most are even more complicated than what this release seems to be.
Gmod just doesn't seem to have an easy to drop-in solution for SQL system across multiple servers.

Thanks Anyway

I will fiddle around with the files!

But I guess I will do a simple You donate for this server only policy!


Offline cookie0810

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #68 on: January 07, 2014, 08:46:45 AM »
Hi I downloaded the Donation System and installed it but i have a couple of problems:

When you chose sign in through steam, it takes you to steam and when you sign in through steam it redirects you to!  >:(
Next when you try to fill in your steam details manually it doesn't let you type in the boxes! 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Offline Neku

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #69 on: January 07, 2014, 03:26:56 PM »
Hi I downloaded the Donation System and installed it but i have a couple of problems:

When you chose sign in through steam, it takes you to steam and when you sign in through steam it redirects you to!  >:(
Next when you try to fill in your steam details manually it doesn't let you type in the boxes! 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Did you try restarting it? Have you updated ULX?
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Offline pants

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Re: PUDS v0.2.5 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #70 on: January 07, 2014, 04:54:59 PM »
Okay guys, I was asking before about the possibility of giving points for the pointshop on top of auto promoting.

I asked one of my friends to find a way for that to happen. So, what he ended up doing was setting it up to where the first time you log on to the server as a new rank you get a certain amount of points, so you only get it once.

You will have to change the ranks and the point amount to match your preferences but here is a link to the code :D

Donationpsnotify - Cobalt
(goes in lua/autorun)
Here's his steam as well.

If you have any questions let me know!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 04:56:48 PM by pants »

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2014, 01:35:38 PM »
Hello everyone,

Once again sorry for the lack of updates, life just gets in the way of things like this.

I have committed a new version of PUDS and I'll clarify a few things.

Steam login has been fixed! Woohoo! Sorry it took so long.

Steam logins are the only way to allow someone to donate, this is to prevent users not typing in the correct steam ID (or some players might not know how to get their steamID)

However! If you wish to disable this and allow people to type in there own username and steam ID you only need to remove the green highlighted "readonly" text in the image below:

PUDS now requires a Steam API Key!
I wish I didn't have to require this but due to the way openID works a SteamAPI key is required.
You can get one here:

Some of the code is a little bit of a mess (including wullysgamers url's in commits etc, I'm in the process of tidying up this second. I don't have my own garrysmod server to test the rcon side of things now and don't have much time to set up a local one to mess about with.

For people who do not like to use ulx usergroups and want some other command to be executed when the donation accepted you can edit the config.php
*This is not tested but it may work if ps_givepoints follows a format of "ps_givepoints steamid #numberOfPoints" if the steamid and number of points are the other way around it wont work yet sorry :P*

Code: [Select]
///Donation Ranks & prices////////
$prices = array("1","2","3"); //prices for each rank, do not include currency symbol
$ranks = array("iron","bronze","gold "); //ulx group names of each rank corresponding to the same array position in $costs
$commands = array("ulx adduserid","ulx adduserid","ulx adduserid"); //commands for each rank, these will support other commands in the future

//Example alternate donation with point shop
$prices = array("1","2","3");
$ranks = array("1000","2000","3000 ");
$commands = array("ps_givepoints","ps_givepoints","ps_givepoints");

I do want to create a command builder which would allow you to make basically whatever command you want to execute for the donation. I will get to it, I have not abandoned PUDS!

Offline Neku

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2014, 02:53:47 PM »
Ah, glad to see you're still alive and kicking.

Welcome back ^°^
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Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #73 on: January 08, 2014, 03:48:00 PM »
Ah, glad to see you're still alive and kicking.

Welcome back ^°^

Thanks Ven!

Another update! Web based configuration!

The code and files have been cleaned up a lot. The config can now be done through install.php, It needs your steam API key to be put in the top of the install.php file first though. If you forget, the web page will print in big letters telling you to go do it :D.

So to use the web based config:

Simply navigate to and sign in through steam.

This will add you - the first user who logs in -  as an admin, it uses a very simple mechanism for this for now, so don't expect much. If it breaks, open up admin.php and delete the numbers from the variable.
It's more or less just to prevent other people viewing your config through the web based config, there are more than likely much better ways to do this. To be super safe, rename install.php to install.php.bak or delete it or something once you're finished configuring PUDS!

Install.php will have some defaults and cleverly fill fields with correct information such as the IPN script URL/Your website and the PayPal URL. Image link below to see the css hating form.

Once you have configured it as needed, click save. It will ask you to log in again through steam, this is a bug until I get sessions implemented but will work no problem and write the config to config.php.
If you have any issues with the web based config you can still configure the config.php file manually.

The config.php from github will be empty as default. You need log into the install.php page at least once and click save so it generates the defaults and entries in config.php
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 03:32:39 PM by Wully616 »

Offline Poop2heaven

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #74 on: January 10, 2014, 02:05:14 AM »
Hey i love the work you do with the addon.

But the addon doesn't seem to work for me.  :'(
I've entered the SteamAPI for my server into the install.php and i went through the entire install.php installation.
But then when it asked me to log in for a second time and i did, everything i entered was gone, and loading the config file did nothing.
Also the Config.php doesn't generate anything when i first log in.