Hi Ulysses.
I Was just wondering how the helll does the reseved slot work???

Because Right now I have it on option 1 which is "Admins fill slots" And as I thought it would work was like this: lets say i have a 20 slots server And i have 2 superadmins (the only one with reseved slot permission) and i put the amount of slot reseved to 2.... So now my max number of people that can play on my server is 18... but what if there is 18 people on my server including my 2 superadmins... shouldn't it then keep allow people to join until max slot is reached(20)??
I also tried option 3 which is "Admins kick people" which totaly didn't work??

.... My server was 20 slots and i put the amount of reseved slots to 2. Then the max player slot was 19 and when 18 player noone could join (not even superadmin which had A reseved slot)
option 2: Never tried it

Thanks for your help and time