Currently I have a problem with my pointshop doing the following:
If you are a VIP you get -25% on all items.
Example: An item in the shop costs 100,000$
As VIP it is displayed as 75,000$ (because of the discount stated above)
The problem is that VIPs need to own 100,000$ in order to buy the item. The will spend only 75,000$ but yet they will need to have 100,000$ in the wallet.
Example: A VIP has 90,000$ and wants to buy the item which is displayed as 75,000$ and it does not work, he cant buy it at all.
If the VIP has more than the original price (100,000$) then he can buy it for 75,000$.
I hope I could state my problem as clear as possible and I hope you guys can help me.
Here is the discount code:
PS.Config.CalculateBuyPrice = function(ply, item)
-- You can do different calculations here to return how much an item should cost to buy.
-- There are a few examples below, uncomment them to use them.
-- Everything half price for admins:
-- if ply:IsAdmin() then return math.Round(item.Price * 0.5) end
-- 25% off for the 'donators' group
if ply:IsUserGroup('vip') then return math.Round(item.Price * 0.75) end
return item.Price
Thanks for reading!