Thank you all once again for continuing to support the oldest Garry's Mod addon, created by the longest-running developers! We know many of you choose our releases because they are stable
and shiny.

We have been developing for Garry's Mod for over eight years now, and would like to share our history with you for a moment. Through these years, many of our ideas were incorporated directly into Garry's Mod. This may not have been intentional on Garry's part, there were a number of features we implemented before he did. For better or worse, we have set some standards in various areas of Garry's Mod development; admin mods and prop protectors (with UPS and CPPI) are our two largest areas of influence recently.
- December 24th, 2004 -- First ever Garry's Mod release.
- January 23rd, 2005 -- "AI Mod" released by Megiddo for Garry's Mod version 5. This mod let you spawn NPCs with weapons in team configurations. It was driven entirely through echoes to the screen and number bindings.
- January 31, 2005 -- v2 of "AI Mod" for Garry's Mod version 6, allowing for increasingly complex orders to the AI
- February 25, 2005 -- v3 of "AI Mod", which was now called UGM (Ultimate Garry's mod Minimod). UGM tried to be a "all-in-one" pack to make Garry's Mod a much more enjoyable playing experience.
- April 28, 2005 (date approximate) -- v4 of UGM. Became extremely complex at this point and so large with bundled models that it was difficult for us to find anyone willing to host it due to the high demand. Keep in mind that all of this was done using source commands and entity I/O, since Lua scripting was not implemented yet.
- October 28, 2005 -- Garry's Mod v9 released. This was the first version that supported Lua scripting.
- October 31, 2005 -- First ULX release (v0.5) for Garry's Mod version 9. Since we released so quickly after GM9, it was relatively bare bones. We drew heavily from AMXX for inspiration. The 'X' in ULysses X is a hat-tip to AMXX.
- December 20, 2005 -- v1.0 of ULX released. Introduced reserved slots, admin action logging, forced downloads, targeting keywords, and others. Do these sound familiar? We know what our users want and stick with it.

- July 23, 2006 -- v2.0 of ULX released. This was the last major revision released for Garry's Mod v9.
- November 29. 2006 -- Garry's Mod 10 released, the first for-pay version of Garry's Mod. Garry approached Lua addons in a completely different way, so all addons had to be recreated from the ground up.
- January 1, 2007 -- v3.0 of ULX released for Garry's Mod 10.
- May 13, 2011 -- First version of XGUI created by Stickly Man released with ULX v3.50.
- <From 2011 till now> -- Most of our changes are simply keeping up with whatever Garry breaks in updates.

Our new releases have been codenamed "Kolmetoista". So what's changed in ULib 2.50 and ULX 3.60?
v3.60 - *(01/27/13)*
* [ADD] "ulx jailtp" - A combination of tp <player> and jail <player> (Thanks HellFox).
* [ADD] "ulx resettodefaults" - Resets ULX and ULib config to defaults.
* [ADD] XGUI: Added ability to edit lower-level restrictions from a higher-level group.
* [CHANGE] ULX ban now supports restricting of time/string formats.
* [CHANGE] !teleport chat command is now also aliased as !tp.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: Utilizes ULib's more robust ID Targeting system.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: Controls added to utilize time/string formats and restrictions.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: No longer duplicates ULX replicated cvars (ulx_cl_) due to ULib changes. Uses the regular ulx_ cvars directly.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: Supports new values for sv_alltalk.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: A few changes to update look and feel. Matches Derma/GWEN skin colors better in some areas.
* [CHANGE] XGUI: No longer retrieves sandbox limits from the web. Included with download.
* [FIX] Garry breakages in GM13.
* [FIX] An exclusivity bug in "ulx freeze" (Thanks infinitywraith).
* [FIX] A console bug when trying to ulx teleport another player (Thanks infinitywraith).
* [FIX] "ulx gimp" not obeying chat anti-spam (Thanks ruok2bu).
* [FIX] "ulx userdeny" not logging properly in some cases.
* [FIX] An echo incorrectly going to all users for "ulx votekick" (Thanks JackYack13).
* [FIX] Module cross-contamination in end.lua (Thanks Pon-3).
* [FIX] Team vs public chat doing the opposite of what it should for logs and "/me" actions. Wonder how long ago Garry needlessly changed that API without us noticing.
* [FIX] Promotion bug after using "ulx userallow" on a regular user. (Thanks JackYack13).
* [FIX] Server crash when jail is placed inside trigger_remove brush. (Thanks HellFox).
* [FIX] XGUI: Changed startup code to initialize faster, handle strange server load scenarios better.
* [FIX] XGUI: BoolArgs in the Cmds tab now obey restrictions.
v2.50 - *(01/27/13)*
* [ADD] ULib.pcallError -- Does what global PCallError used to do before it was removed.
* [ADD] Shows reasons to kicked person upon kick or ban (Thanks FPtje!).
* [ADD] Operator to target only a specific group, ignoring inheritance ('#').
* [ADD] Operator to target a specific id ('$').
* [ADD] ULib.namedQueueFunctionCall to allow scripts to create their own queues separate of the main one.
* [ADD] The ability to have aliased chat commands.
* [FIX] The usual assortment of garry breakages.
* [FIX] Changed away from our custom implementation of datastream to use Garry's new net library.
* [FIX] Error with returning from invisibility when the player has no weapons (Thanks HellFox).
* [FIX] "ULibCommandCalled" hook not being called on chat commands (Thanks Adult).
* [CHANGE] Replicated cvars aren't actually relying on source replication anymore since Garry broke it (but they function the same).
* [CHANGE] Lots of changes to match GM13.
* [CHANGE] NumArg now allows for time string format.
* [CHANGE] Hook library to match garry's. hook.isInHook was removed, no longer able to support with garry's changes.