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* [FIX] ULib.ucl.userAllow not working on disconnected players (Thanks, JackYack13). * [FIX] Issue with setting groups with capitals in the group name (Thanks, FPtje!). * [FIX] Calling SetUserGroup not passing on information to clients (Thanks, Bo98). * [FIX] Garry's File I/O bugs by wrapping all his I/O. * [FIX] A user group lower casing that no longer belonged in the code (Thanks, iamalexer). * [FIX] Some issues with casing in ULib commands (Thanks, TheSpy7). * [FIX] Invalid time restrictions throwing an error (Thanks, Scratch). * [FIX] A problem with targeting in single player (Effected XGUI. Thanks, bender180). * [FIX] A problem with self-target restrictions breaking commands under certain conditions (Thanks, iSnipeu). * [FIX] A bug with being able to update replicated variables after running a listen server and then joining another server. * [REMOVED] Temp garry-patch for reading from the data directory that appears to be fixed now.
* [ADD] cl_pickupplayers (defaults to 1) to allow an admin to disable the ability to pickup players (so they don't do it on accident). Done in collaboration with FPtje. * [ADD] %curmap% and %steamid% variables in "ulx showMotd" URL for custom-served MOTDs (Thanks Mors-Quaedam). * [ADD] XGUI: Bans are now searchable. (Thanks to iSnipeu for the code contribution!) * [FIX] "#" (Pound signs) removing content in ulx asay (Thanks bener180). * [FIX] Reserved slot mode 3 not kicking the shortest connected player as it is supposed to (Thanks monkstick). * [FIX] No longer able to physgun frozen players (Thanks ms333). * [FIX] XGUI: Added checks to prevent admins from being able to edit ban information past their restrictions (Thanks Zaph). * [FIX] XGUI: Infobar text no longer displaying. * [FIX] XGUI: Error caused when closing the fban window after the targeted player has left the server (Thanks nathan736). * [FIX] XGUI: Issues with handling min / max number restrictions. * [FIX] XGUI: Map icons not loading. * [FIX] XGUI: Ban menu bugfixes. * [CHANGE] Jail models. The jail is slightly bigger and can't be shot through anymore (Thanks Mors-Quaedam). * [CHANGE] Updated PvP damage cvar to reflect Garry's changes (Thanks Mors-Quadam). * [CHANGE] "ulx gag" now uses a server-side hook (much more robust).
15:44:09 Lua Error: [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/ulx_firework/init.lua' (<nowhere>)15:44:09 Lua Error: [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/ulx_fireworkstem/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
Ulysses is still kicking. I love it. Good work guys!
Threatname: Suspicious.Cloud.9