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UTeam - Set teams based on usergroup.

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Please attach your gmod/data/ULib/groups.txt, and go ahead and run/attach a ulx debuginfo while a member of the goldmember's group is connected.

Here is the short version of the debug:

--- Code: ---Results:
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got empty keyname in file In
Users, admin,
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got empty keyname in file In
Users, (*admin*),
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file In
(*Users*), (*admin*),
Debug information written to garrysmod/data/ulx/debugdump.txt on server.

--- End code ---

and groups is the exact same one you gave me. If you need the WHOLE debug, tell me and i will attach it. Mostly just useless info though.

groups.txt is not the same as uteam.txt
Groups are not the same as teams.
It seems your users.txt file is corrupt; most likely the gmod default /settings/users.txt
Check for missing brackets and or quotes.
Also, check server startup for errors regarding ULib startup.
If the users.txt file in settings is a bit off, ULib would probably let you know.

sorry misread lol. I know groups n teams aren't the same. I shall check all those things now

Btw, I don't use the default users.txt for anything.

Attached groups.txt - divided it into sections with //title for ease of scanning - don't have those in the actual server one.

Might be due to inheritance.
Your goldmember inherits member, which then inherits user.
Try having member inherit_from no group { }
(Users is inherited by all groups by default - no need to specify it)

I have other questions.  Though I don't normally do this, to keep from filling this thread with what I don't believe to be a UTeam issue, I'm going to email you. If resolution is found and not to be UTeam related, I'll split topic.


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