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UTeam - Set teams based on usergroup.

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Welcome. I actually missed it the first time, even using Notepad++ which draws lines for brackets/tabs, etc.
The error helped point me to look again.

I am getting this alot since i SVN'd ULX/Ulib:

Lua Error: Timer Error: autorun/UTeam.lua:54: bad argument #1 to 'SelectWeapon' (string expected, got nil)

I think it has something to do with admin only sweps/entities, as I can no longer spawn anything with the little "admin shield" on it.

(I am superadmin)

Bounty_Bam, where did you get your UTeam.lua, or where did you get your edits for it?
The original UTeam release doesn't have a select weapon command.
I'm aware there are several versions floating around the forum here (and elsewhere on the web), but it would help to know for troubleshooting.


--- Quote from: JamminR on December 08, 2009, 04:16:04 PM ---Bounty_Bam, where did you get your UTeam.lua, or where did you get your edits for it?
The original UTeam release doesn't have a select weapon command.
I'm aware there are several versions floating around the forum here (and elsewhere on the web), but it would help to know for troubleshooting.

--- End quote ---

I got it from here, about 8months ago? v1.1 I believe. I am aware of the recents upload/download exploits, and I'm beginning to wonder if this file was downloaded from my server, editted, and reuploded without my knowing :/ However, the "last edited" date of this file, and the dates of the start of these "hacks", are way out.

Should I upload or paste the content of my Uteam.lua?

Uh, exploited - it's possible, but unlikely.

Just attach your file.
Attachments are in the "additional option" link below the text box while replying (at least it is in my theme I use here)


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