Recently I was thinking why is it that when a person is given the opportunity to destroy some thing without putting allot of effort into it, they would have to argue if they should do it or not.
I am sure that numerous people have had a thought such as this one "It would be really cool if I could hack this" or some thing along those lines. But why do we even think such thoughts? Why is it that being able to cause destruction, and drama with only a few
simple actions so exciting?
This is a very hard topic for me to explain, but I am sure you see it happening around you. The people who go around prop killing on Garrysmod servers, or the people who hack peoples servers just so that they can ruin some ones game.
Your thinking that most of those people are just taking out anger that is being bottled up inside them.
How ever lets say you are given the opportunity to hack into your schools system and change your grades. Your friends keep pressuring you to do it even though every one knows that it is wrong, and you finally break and decide to do it. While in the system changing your grades, you are no longer thinking about the consequences or what will happen later its like your trapped in the moment. It is a strange feeling but for some reason you like it.
I have had a similar experience and for some reason that rush felt amazing, its some thing I still can't explain to this day.
I hope that some one here can shed some light on this peculiar mystery.
I made this post on a strange impulse after reading this thread,6540.0.html