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PLG (ULib & Stand Alone Version)

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Current Version: v1.0.2
Download: http://gmod.srcds.neic0.de/lua/ulx/modules/playergrab.lua (Just right click on it and save it ;))


--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---V 1.0.3 (Coming soon)

* [Add] Freezing Player (and sure defreeezing :D)
* [Add] PLG_Version to see what Version are currently running
* [Add] Noclip Save so if you are in Noclip before you are again in Noclip :D
* [MainChange] Changed Name because its not anymore just a modify its now a own script :D
* [Change] Changed playergrab to PLG_Allow
* [Change] PLG_Allow 1 to PLG_Allow <sadmin/admin/op/public/off> ( for SuperAdmin PLG_Allow sadmin; for Admin PLG_Allow admin; for Operator PLG_Allow op; for public PLG_Allow public; for off PLG_Allow off )
* [Change] Most of the Code
* [Fix] I really dont know if its fix the bug from Avien but i added to the playermove a froze so they cant move while moving :D
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---V 1.0.2

* [Fix]Forgot to add the if user is user group line (that only an Superadmin can use the script how can i forget that its a main part of this script omg  ::)) :o
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--- Quote ---V 1.0.1

* [Fix]Fixed the Bug that when you grab anything and you are in Noclip that you are going out of Noclip :o
* [Fix]Fixed that the Player can still go out of the jail with this Script
* [Change] Changed this Post here to a better style to make it better readable ;D
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---V 1.0

* Release of the Modified Version :o
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--- Quote ---
* Can Grab a Player and move him to other places
* Can Drop him and let him walk again (very good if you dont want that someone use Noclip :o)
* And sure only ULib SuperAdmins (only works with ULib ;D im going to make it more felxibility with that like if no ULib use Standard Commands) Can use this Script
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--- Quote ---http://bugs.yet-another-server.com <----- Reports please to it ;)

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--- Quote ---
* First copy and paste it into a file that you call playergrab.lua } or just download it link is on the top of this post
* Second put it into the ULib/modules folder and Start Gmod
* And at last use it with physguning a player and to disable and reenable it write in the Console: playergrab <1 or 0>
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---
* Make A alternative Version without ULib.( coming ca. v1.0.4 )
* Adding some other Commands
* Adding some things what im not say at the moment  :P
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--- Quote ---haloshadow: Who orginaly made a simple Version of it but now its different from it anyways thanks for the idea and that :D
Thanks to Megiddo who helped me a little to understand how ULib and ULX works^^".
and Thanks to all who supporting me and helping me with bug reports.

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Test it and tell me if its work i cant test it because i cant host a server at the moment to test it to player  :-[
Enjoy  :o:

--- Code: ---//Script by haloshadow all rights reserved to him. Script modified and adapted by [YaS] Neico™
if (!SERVER) then return end
function ULib.cc_playergrab(ply, target)
if util.tobool( GetConVarNumber( "playergrab" ) ) then
if ply:IsUserGroup( ULib.ACCESS_SUPERADMIN ) then
if not target:GetTable().jail then
if target:IsPlayer() then
return true;

function ULib.cc_playerdrop(ply, target)
if target:IsPlayer() then
return true;
hook.Add("PhysgunPickup", "Playergrab", ULib.cc_playergrab);
hook.Add("PhysgunDrop" , "Playerdrop", ULib.cc_playerdrop);
ULib.convar( "playergrab", "1", "<0/1> - Turns off/on Playergrab", ULib.ACCESS_SUPERADMIN )

--- End code ---

I'm sure I've used a script like this before.  Nice work though.

How about you use get move type so if I am in noclip I'll stay in noclip.


--- Quote from: Mank on January 22, 2007, 03:41:45 PM ---I'm sure I've used a script like this before.  Nice work though.

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He did say all he did was modify it for ULib access. :)

Neico don't bother with the private message i sent its just i worked it out  :P i am learning lua myself and i am making a swep soon enough  ;D


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