Autopromote XGUI Version
This plugin is better for those big servers with ton of groups. This is basically any regular autopromote, but this one involves xgui, and allows you to change things while in game. This requires utime, and this also goes well with my other plugin;
Utime Hour Changer , so you can test if it works for you :p
I should of uploaded this like six months ago, so yeah... better late then never. This was originally made by one of my friends named "Lead4U", but he abandoned the project, and it stopped working after some time, so I came back and fixed it now. This is my second to last project for this year, my last project is going to be my super project that a lot of you guys have been waiting for.
Please Keep Note:If you like this addon, I would really appreciate a "Compliment" Karma which is located next to my name. That's how I know you care
You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview imageRequirements:Ulx 3.50+
ULib 2.50+
Current version of Utime
HOW TO USE:You'll need superadmin (unless you have a rank that inherits from superadmin w/e), and go to Settings > APromote. Make sure it's enabled, and then you can start adding your hours to the ranks and such.
Hour -1 means it's disabled and that group will be ignored completely.
Play Sound is when someone gets promoted, it will play a small sound to that player.
Global Sound will play that sound to everyone.
Confetti will just make an effect around the promoted player, and will go away after 5 seconds.
Auto Demote is dangerous if you haven't set all your usergroups hours yet. I suggest before setting this to yes is you set all your usergroups hours first, then turn that on if you want to. It's not required to be on. What auto demote does is if you are part of a usergroup's hours that are higher than the hours you actually have, it willl demote you to the next usergroup below your current usergroup (unless that usergroup is above group user, as it can not be demoted back down.)
FEATURES:- Default Permission set to Super Admins. This can be changed in the Groups tab in !xgui
KNOWN BUGS:Maybe being dumb you can cause problems.
You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview image