Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Autopromote XGUI Version [4.09v]

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Sorry for that late reply.
Well, here are all my usergroups: superadmin, admin, operator, vip, stammuser, verystammuser, suchti

I use some addons where I think they should use xgui/ulx/ulib: Join/Disconnect Message, UTime, Chat Tags, AAFK

btw, I'm using the "normal" Autopromote atm and it works fine, so I think it could be xgui here.

Bite That Apple:

--- Quote from: DH1806 on January 28, 2015, 04:56:44 AM ---Sorry for that late reply.
Well, here are all my usergroups: superadmin, admin, operator, vip, stammuser, verystammuser, suchti

I use some addons where I think they should use xgui/ulx/ulib: Join/Disconnect Message, UTime, Chat Tags, AAFK

btw, I'm using the "normal" Autopromote atm and it works fine, so I think it could be xgui here.

--- End quote ---

When you say you're using "xgui", that makes me a little worried. Like, did you actually "download" xgui? If so, I'd suggest to delete it, because XGUI has been integrated with ULX since maybe 2011. Most likely you did not do this, but if you did, delete, and delete ulx, redownload it from ulx website, and try again.

As to what autopromote you said you were using, what other autopromote are you talking about at this moment?

Lastly, thank you for supporting my addons, I'm very grateful for your support.

Bite That Apple:
Updated addon to current system!

Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk:
May I ask what "current system" means? You've posted that - as it seems - into all threads of your plugins. Is it mandatory for us to update our plugins on the server? Did I miss something crucial?  ???

Bite That Apple:

--- Quote from: Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk on February 04, 2015, 09:21:58 AM ---May I ask what "current system" means? You've posted that - as it seems - into all threads of your plugins. Is it mandatory for us to update our plugins on the server? Did I miss something crucial?  ???

--- End quote ---

No, you don't have to update. It's not critical update, it only added a version check now. So if the addon gets outdated, the server will then alert you that the addon is outdated, and will advice you to update every time the server starts. I did it to all my addons, as they're all connected somehow.


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