Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Autopromote XGUI Version [4.09v]
Is there any possibility to see your plugin on github?
Bite That Apple:
--- Quote from: H3llGhost on June 20, 2015, 01:23:03 PM ---Is there any possibility to see your plugin on github?
--- End quote ---
Yes, there is a possibility.
No, it's currently not on github, as there is no reason to put it on github for the most part of this addon never really getting updated again.
That is the reason, I want to update it and add some features.
It would be easier to have for all plugins a central location instead of maintaning them via uploads or similar.
Bite That Apple:
--- Quote from: H3llGhost on June 20, 2015, 02:45:41 PM ---That is the reason, I want to update it and add some features.
It would be easier to have for all plugins a central location instead of maintaning them via uploads or similar.
--- End quote ---
As said prior, I couldn't imagine what else could be added on to this, though upon your request here -> https://github.com/chaos12135/ulx_auto_promote
On my Server the VIP and the staff are getting demoted to normal users because of a Promotion addon ( http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=6791.0 ) any Ideas how i could fix that?
Edit: Woops I intended to post this in another topic ^^ but I think I got the same problem as Belly136
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