Hi, i try to block the Naquada Bomb Entity.
local models = { "bomb.mdl" }
local function blockmodels( ply, mdl, ent )
entmdl = ent:GetModel()
for _,v in ipairs( models ) do
if string.find(entmdl, v, 1, true ) then
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnedProp", "blockprops", blockmodels )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnedEffect", "blockeffects", blockmodels )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnedVehicle", "blockvehicles", blockmodels )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnedSENT", "blocksents", blockmodels )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnedRagdoll", "blockragdoll", blockmodels )
Its a Sent who is spawnable with a Stool.
I want restrict, that nonadmins cant spawn this Sent with the Adv Dupe.
But i didnt found the hook.
PlayerSpawnedSENT didnt worked.
Sry, bad English, im german.
Thanks DrTight