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Cobalt's ULX Commands

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--- Quote from: HeLLFox_15 on December 27, 2013, 12:14:37 PM ---I have a bad feeling about that command that is supposed to crash people but otherwise its a good add-on. I will link you to my coderhire account once I contact Undefined about the website thinking I don't own Garrysmod... :\

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It uses a not so well known lua string that garry added to catch hackers a while back that produces that result. Completely harmless.
target_ply:SendLua( "AddConsoleCommand( \"sendrcon\" )" )

Thank you very much for these extra commands!



--- Quote from: Cobalt77 on December 25, 2013, 06:45:05 AM ---As some of you know, I released a small pack of ulx commands a while ago. There were around 10 or so, and they were pretty simple. I then decided to add more and sell them on coderhire. In the spirit of Christmas, I'm going to release the pack here for a limited time, free to download. There are 47 commands included. Click on the link to the coderhire page to see all the commands and their descriptions. Enjoy!


Please note: If you downloaded this make sure to leave a comment and make a coderhire account (just log in with steam) so that I can give you free access to updates if I remove the download here.

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Hey man! Thanks so much for releasing this! If you could send me the updated 3.8 that would be amazing! http://coderhire.com/users/view/6490

Very nice cobalt. I don't think I'll use all of these, but many will be useful. You are by far cooler than a cube of ice.


oh that's really generous of you, to release a huge quantity of commands like this.



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