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UMaps - change map at specified time

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When I type timeleft in chat it says I don't have access to the command. I am in the superadmin group with immunity. Everything in ULX works fine.

Probably a recent update that has done this, But I'll just let you know that these get sent to client's consoles every second.

--- Quote ---Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
--- End quote ---

I know this topic has been inactive for a long while but I just want to say that recent gmod update broke it.When you type in !timeleft nothing shows up like it used to.Although it does changed the map after specified time,but its annoying as users are unable to check when the map is going to change.Anyway som1 could fix this?

What errors occur in server (and or) game console when you type !timeleft
Also, are there any errors when server starts regaring Umaps
Not only has GMod been updated, if you're using SVN, it's possible ULib updates have broken it too.
Using ULib svn?

ULib\modules\UMaps/init.lua:252:attept to call feild 'concommand'' (a nill value)  off a fresh install with an edited umaps maps file.
happens after UMaps.lua loads.

havn't tested if it causes the addon to fail yet, but i will return with news if it does

EDIT: whoops,  didnt see this was so old.  but still, could be usefull as i dont know of any other map cycler.


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