Hello Ulysses!
I have recently got DarkRP 2.5.0
I use ULX for over a year now and I really love it.
I disliked the way ULX does a couple things (bans/users database being a txt file

) so I asked a friend to code me a module to change to MySQL.
Works perfectly fine for me on TTT, bans are global, users are individual for each server, fair enough so far.
some mastermind thought how much of a brilliant idea it would be to put an admin mod in a gamemode which always runs in the background no matter if you disable it or not.
So lets stop with the story telling and come to the important part, the help scream:
Currently I have disabled FAdmin with this code:
timer.Simple(0, function()
FAdmin.GlobalSetting.FAdmin = false
if CLIENT then
usermessage.Hook("FAdmin_GlobalSetting", function() end)
The file is located in: ...\garrysmod\addons\DarkRP_modif\lua\darkrp_modules\FAdminDisable\sh_removeFAdmin.lua
I thought that would be it, FAdmin would be disabled, yet I have to say I am not surprised that I was wrong lol.
People are getting demoted on RP, Admins can lift everyone (including superadmin) with the physgun even ULX should force the opposite....
I wanted to know if there is another way to disable/destroy FAdmin, I do not want that piece of cake on my server, not even the tiniest bit, but in the other hand I want a working RP gamemode...
Is there a way to disable all the commands, all the permissions, all the groups - pretty much EVERYTHING that has to do with administration without destroying DarkRP?
Thanks for reading