Whitelist 1.5
This plugin is somewhat useless, but I felt that it would be some what fun to make.
Please Keep Note:If you like this addon, I would really appreciate a "Compliment" Karma which is located next to my name. That's how I know you care

This plugin is about 95% finished, but within the next month or so I might update it once more for some finale thing I wanted to do.
Sadly, I couldn't convert this plugin to use ULX, so as for now it won't be using ULX.
You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview imageRequirements:Superadmin
HOW TO USE:Type any of these commands, and the format will tell you how to use it:
!addwl or !addwhitelist
!removewl or !removewl
!wl or !whitelist
FEATURES:- Everything saves, so nothing can go wrong right?
- Allows you to turn the whitelist on or off
- If a player changes there name, it also updates in the whitelist
- There are ranks for each player who is whitelisted. - This currently does nothing, but I will make it do something soon enough
TO-DO-LIST:Maybe get it to work for ULX
Do something about the whitelist rank
KNOWN BUGS:Not that I know

You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview image