Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail

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--- Quote from: TheMrDynamite on April 08, 2018, 04:23:02 PM ---
Sorry to necro but this is a warning to everyone here. This error is caused by an exploit in this version of the addon patched in the github version. Basically it allows users to spam bancheck and on servers with large ban tables that crashes the server, like mine. If you want the safe and updated version of this addon go to cobalt's github https://github.com/cobalt77/Custom-ULX-Commands

--- End quote ---

Sorry to necro also, but anyone wanting this addon and for anyone that adds it to their server, it's got exploits available to be used.

More specifically, a net. exploit that lags your server out and crashes it.
Also to do with easter eggs.


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