Hi, I have a really annoying problem I've been trying to deal with for a long time. I've tried uninstalling ulx and ulib by deleting their addons, data, and lua files to no avail. Whenever I join my server or the map changes, I constantly have to re-add myself to my group to use my powers. I keep my rank no matter what but when I attempt to use any power, the game tells me I do not have permission to use the command. I am superadmin and when the map changes or I join the server, I keep my special tab menu color and rank name. I can't use any powers until I add myself back to superadmin. Any powers I give to myself through "ulx userallow" stay with me (I gave myself "ulx adduser" to cope with the issue for some time) but now this issue has really impacted the server. The staff has not been able to do their work and the server has pretty much been abandoned until the issue is resolved. What steps should I take to fix this issue so that I and my other staff members do not have to constantly re-add ourselves to our rank to use our powers? Any advice would be great! Thank you.