Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Simple Notes 0.1 - A simple way to keep track of rule violators.

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I use 7-zip, extracts for me perfectly fine.

Caustic Soda-Senpai:
Using Windows Explorer's Stock zip extractor works for me as well as WinRAR.

Interesting Winrar wasn't working for me.
Edit: Nor is Windows explorers zip extractor...


--- Quote from: Yashirmare on June 10, 2015, 12:45:25 AM ---Interesting Winrar wasn't working for me.

--- End quote ---

You're right, WinRAR dosen't extract it.
It extracts the folders, but leaves the lua and txt files.

--- Code: ---!   C:\Users\#####_000\Downloads\simplenotes.zip: Unknown method in simplenotes\addon.txt
!   C:\Users\#####_000\Downloads\simplenotes.zip: Unknown method in simplenotes\lua\autorun\client\cs_sn.lua
!   C:\Users\#####_000\Downloads\simplenotes.zip: Unknown method in simplenotes\lua\autorun\server\ss_sn.lua
!   C:\Users\#####_000\Downloads\simplenotes.zip: Unknown method in simplenotes\lua\ulx\modules\sh\ss_sn_ulx.lua

--- End code ---

Yeah that's what I'm getting.


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