Keeping up with my changes:
Update 1:Updated, my favorite update!
I've added multi color support via hex colors and support for multiplie parameters to output more information.
You're now able to display more than before on disconnect and join, you can display following things:
GEO-IP releated:
!zip! - Player's zip code, most likely it's empty.
!country! - Player's country like "Germany".
!countryCode! - Player's country code like "DE".
!query! - The IP of the requested info.
!city! - Player's city.
!org! - Player's ISP organisation.
!region! - Player's regions short code like "WEYWTIT" (ok abit shorter).
!lat! - Player's latitude like "48.75".
!timezone! - Player's timezone like "Europe/Berlin".
!isp! - Player's ISP like "mediaways".
!regionName! - Player's region name like "whateveryouwanttoinsethere".
player releated:
!playername! - Player's name.
!group! - Player's current group like "superadmin".
!steamid! - Player's Steam ID like "STEAM_0:0:37706701".
The new default's will now look like:

Everything you need is in the config, it should be self-explanatory.
Main Post got updated.