Author Topic: ULX Downloads.txt mp3 files downloaded are corrupting on client end  (Read 2500 times)

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Offline funkster

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Hi I used to run ULX Admin mod on a listen server for Garrys mod and have since moved to a dedicated server. I had set up my downloads.txt file properly in data\ulx folder to download all sound files. I just did the same to the dedicated server, but for some reason the mp3 file downloaded to the client becomes corrupted. I do find some much smaller mp3.ztmp files than the actual mp3 file on the server. Could the ztmp compression algorithm be corrupting the files on the clients end? What could be the possible problem and how to fix?

Oh and for whatever reason when those same files are downloaded to my garrys mod they dont corrupt, I haven't a clue why, as I tried giving my pc a different wan ip address to see if maybe that is what is causing it, but I don't know what else could be different to my and their garrys mod. I removed ulx ulib from my garrys mod and data/ulx data/ulib sound/* as well as any custom scripts i had, they are all on the server only. I used the install-ulx-v3_61.exe installer on my server.

edit: I just tried with my mobile broadband and it doesnt get corrupted, and I also got a client to redownload the file when connencting to my server. One thing I noticed is that when I connect it doesn't leave a mp3.ztmp file, but when the other client to connect it does leave a mp3.ztmp file o_0
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 08:28:19 AM by funkster »

Offline Neku

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Re: ULX Downloads.txt mp3 files downloaded are corrupting on client end
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 09:08:15 AM »
Downloads aren't handled by ULX. It simply provides an easier way to set downloads.
Whatever problem you are having is unrelated to ULX.

You're going to need to explain your situation simpler.
Out of the Garry's Mod business.

Offline funkster

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Re: ULX Downloads.txt mp3 files downloaded are corrupting on client end
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 09:27:39 AM »
Downloads aren't handled by ULX. It simply provides an easier way to set downloads.
Whatever problem you are having is unrelated to ULX.

You're going to need to explain your situation simpler.

Well so basically some of the audio file downloads listed in my servers downloads.txt are corrupting on my clients end. I also find a ztmp file with the same name for some of the audio files in the servers folder that are the ones that get corrupted. I have tried ogg format also and they get corrupted on the clients end too. I don't know how much simpler I can explain it.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 09:36:04 AM by funkster »

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Downloads.txt mp3 files downloaded are corrupting on client end
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 10:16:17 AM »
Technically, there is a EXTREMELY slight possibility that ULib could be doing it.
We did have to write our own file handling code because Garry's was broken for some time.
However, considering that we've had many report success in using downloads.txt to send sound files after they asked for help here in knowing how, I'm 99.99% sure that it's not ULib.

First, the installer is several months, 2 months shy of a year in fact, old.
There have been many updates and bug fixes to our codebase for both ULib and ULX since we 'released' in August of 2013.
I'd strongly recommend obtaining newer code from our github repository using the zip file download link.

Second - your issue sounds like
a) Gmod is trying to bzip the files and breaking them. Not sure why/how it would break them.
b) Your dedicated server host is trying to gzip the audio files and doing a horrible job of it.
Unfortunately, could be a combo of both.
Neither of which the Ulysses code could help you with.

Those are my educated guesses, and I could be incorrect.
Definitely update your ULib/ULX code to rule out it's not our file reading routines.
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Offline funkster

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Re: ULX Downloads.txt mp3 files downloaded are corrupting on client end
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 04:47:35 AM »
Hi thanks for your help. I tried updating the ulx and ulib code and still got corruption happening. In the end I just uploaded the sound files to my web space and used the sv_downloadurl option in my server.cfg