Ulysses Stuff > Releases

ERS - EMail Reporting System

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That's odd. It's hard for me to tell, because it's always worked for me with no issues.
If anyone else who's not had luck with this can confirm with me if this fixes it for them too, I would be happy to update the addon accordingly.

thanks for your input. I hope this works for others as well.

Just wanted to add this, since I am not sure if anyone else has seen this. Anytime a report is sent at all, in chat it will throw out that the report failed, didnt send, and in server console it also says this: "Aborting HTTP request because pResponse->BSetBodyData() failed. URL: /storage/report.php" /storage/report.php being the location of course. Now the interesting thing about this is that the report itself makes it no problem to the set email, and I have tested this on all of my servers, and it is the same outcome. All reports go through, but it says error in both server-console and in-game. Because it seems to have no effect, what I decided to do for now is basically just change the in-game chat error reporter to the success message aswell, so now whatever happens it just says success since it would seem it'll say fail. Has anyone else gotten this?

Odd.. I wonder if they changed something with the http functions in this latest gmod update.

Mine always says Report sent successfully, even when it didn't work before. And I only changed report.php

After some time looking at the forums configuration files for NFO servers, I have found out that you have to have it set to the admin email address, the one used to create your communities forums page, in case anyone uses NFOservers for hosting.


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