Author Topic: Bans not loading anymore D:  (Read 2466 times)

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Offline theGoldTrigger

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Bans not loading anymore D:
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:39:28 PM »
Hey guys so recently I unbanned someone from my server using the data\ulib\bans.txt file because his ban would not show up in the bans menu.

After I did this my bans wouldn't load at all.

This is the error I'm getting in console:
Bans file was not formatted correctly. Attempting to fix and backing up original

Error while reading bans file was: Mismatched recursive tables
Original file was backed up to data/ulib/bans_backup.txt

Any ideas on how I could fix this? D:

Here is a copy of my bans file.
Code: [Select]
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404674079"
"name" "nig-unit"
"reason" "for hacks like you"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404615275"
"name" "|r-G| Camper"
"reason" "esp hacks"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404354419"
"name" "FuckPhySics"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404674159"
"name" "I LIKE POOP"
"reason" "turbonerd hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404791064"
"name" "derpster"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404705109"
"name" "Misterman"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404525924"
"name" "xXSCRIBBLE The GODXx"
"reason" "turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404550522"
"name" "Shweze"
"reason" "turbonerd hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404615235"
"name" "B-von"
"reason" "Bypassing screenshots"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404637216"
"name" "Jarvis -UCG-"
"reason" "aimbot is scanning"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404615340"
"name" "Engraved Panda"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404771049"
"reason" "hacks detected"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404771086"
"reason" "hacks detected"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"modified_time" "1405031779"
"reason" "Hacks"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404964964"
"name" "Meehowl"
"modified_admin" "[HZ]1SG. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404672680"
"name" "dangleberry"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404791351"
"reason" "turbonerd hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404700122"
"name" "Robby"
"reason" "esp,crosshair, hacks"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404352384"
"name" "King Chicken"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404459552"
"reason" "flaming homo hacking turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "bluebot hack"
"admin" "[HZ]1SG. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" 0
"time" 1405053047
"name" "Oreo"
"reason" "hacking is bad and so are you :c"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404866843"
"name" "Chaplain Xavier"
"reason" "VAC banned from all servers."
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404621270"
"name" "Ronin"
"reason" "AHack is for turbonerds like you"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404951979"
"name" "Will Smish"
"reason" "esp hacks + turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404430465"
"name" "doritos  "
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404675111"
"name" "Goober"
"reason" "raging homo hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404371843"
"name" "{(ACS)} Tehhkp | <3"
"reason" "cheating infractions"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404951920"
"name" "request59245234857238947"
"reason" "VAC Banned from all VAC secured servers."
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404631570"
"name" "miscarriaged baby"
"reason" "esp + crosshair"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404355702"
"name" "DeadMan"
"reason" "esp hacks : turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404442793"
"name" "Toxic Gaming"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404695683"
"reason" "Hacking."
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404866972"
"reason" "mapex is a hack"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "Hacking"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404701155"
"name" "[HtR] ?r.ÅßaÐÐØ?™?"
"reason" "esp cheater"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404359534"
"name" "NothingTooLoose"
"modified_time" "1404611789"
"reason" "your mommy will be called + kauzoo"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404611310"
"modified_admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "turbonerding hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404431116"
"name" "LEGIT  "
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404809175"
"reason" "mapex"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"modified_time" "1404883260"
"reason" "defcon.lua"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404883219"
"name" "Siken"
"modified_admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404363119"
"reason" "hacking faggot"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1405048801"
"reason" "hacking infraction"
"admin" "[HZ]1SG. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "lol.lua"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404883211"
"name" "Texta"
"modified_time" "1404791090"
"reason" "turbonerd hacker"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404771121"
"modified_admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "hacking turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404779633"
"name" "Sebastian"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1405031742"
"reason" "AHack"
"admin" "[HZ]1SG. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"modified_time" "1404952166"
"reason" "cheating turbonerd"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404952166"
"modified_admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "Screen blocker not allowed on this server."
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. Walter Melon(STEAM_0:0:39784172)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404598015"
"name" "Lyut | ( ?° ?? ?°)"
"unban" "0"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404799927"
"reason" "AHacking is bad and you are too "
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "hacking turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404689829"
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 05:41:21 PM by theGoldTrigger »

Offline Decicus

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Re: Bans not loading anymore D:
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2014, 06:03:30 PM »
I see the bottom of your snippet is missing a second part for the "name" and "}".
Try removing "name" and adding "}", so the bottom two bans look like this:
Code: [Select]
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404799927"
"reason" "AHacking is bad and you are too "
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"reason" "hacking turbonerd"
"admin" "[HZ]SFC. GoldTrigger(STEAM_0:0:40391383)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1404689829"
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Offline theGoldTrigger

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Re: Bans not loading anymore D:
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2014, 06:09:06 PM »
Just tried that and now I don't get the error but the bans get reset when I look at them in game.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Bans not loading anymore D:
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2014, 09:31:18 PM »
Server shut down when updating/editing any of those files?
Using latest ULX code from github? (Gmod did an update of some sort that broke some indicators lately, we put work-around in our github code)
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline theGoldTrigger

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Re: Bans not loading anymore D:
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2014, 03:43:26 PM »
I couldn't find a solution to this so I just rebanned all the steam id's l0l. Thanks guys!