Author Topic: ULX Not Recognizing Vowels  (Read 1514 times)

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ULX Not Recognizing Vowels
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:18:45 AM »
So this has never been an issue in the past but not it is and causes major problems on my TTT server. Moderators and below can target admins and about due to the fact that ULX does not acknowledge vowels in a rank's name. For example, I can set moderator to only be able to target !%admin but instead, it shows up as moderators being able to target !dmin. If I do !%%aadmin, it makes moderators be able to target !%admin but that does not work. It still does not fix the issue with the ranks. Any help would be great and thank you for taking the time to read this. If you need a screenshot, let me know and I'll be happy to make one.