Author Topic: Physgun  (Read 2052 times)

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Offline Schiaffino

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« on: August 03, 2014, 03:47:23 PM »
Hello guys, i was working in an addon and i was trying to figure out how to make it work with FPP and allow me to use remover tool on it and i did it it works, but the problem after i've added this code to allow me to use remover tool on it

    self.SID = self.dt.owning_ent.SID

I accidentaly activated an option so the user can physgun it so i tried to disable this option and i did it the user wasn't allowed to pickup the entity but the problem is that still show the beam of the physgun on it...

Is there a way to like improve this code and avoid the user see the physgun beam on it? i mean this:

function Disable( ply, ent )
   for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("ent_name")) do
      return ""
hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "Disable Props Pickup", Disable )

 I would really appreciate your help, i would really like to have that beam looks lik ethis instead of the actual one: