Author Topic: Ulx userallow(id) fails if user isn't in a group  (Read 2736 times)

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Ulx userallow(id) fails if user isn't in a group
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:54:38 PM »
I had some issues with this while experimenting with a donation script, and when I went in-game to manually add the user's privileges it replied something like "No user with this steamid exists in the ULib database" and I found that odd, is this an intended feature, or just something that hasn't been patched up yet? I had a temporary fix by making a group called donor to place all donors in, but that seems like a bit of a hassle just for granting additional permissions to a single user.

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given