Author Topic: I have a server, new one. But how to... it's hard for me..  (Read 3235 times)

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Offline rubenhkoster

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I have a server, new one. But how to... it's hard for me..
« on: August 15, 2014, 04:41:45 PM »
Hi. I'm new to this forum, don't blame me  :-\

I managed with alot of tutorials to run a dedicated server. I found wonderful maps and my friends like it very much! Basically means its great. (prop hunt) I'm already feeling a boss as a normal cafe worker, or whatever you call it.. In the Netherlands you call it restaurant manager but I dunno it's the same in English.

Things I figured out are:
  • Forwarding my ports
  • Letting the download run from my FTP server
  • Putting great maps in the "maps" map ???

Only things which are less great are:
  • No-one can pick up items with E like alot of other servers can
  • I really don't get how to setup some kind of pointsystem
  • Add-ons aren't working (?)
  • Adding custom taunts

I did my research but I really can't find anything about this, I don't even know this is the right website to ask this.. But I found alot about GMOD here, so I thought you guys could help me out.. Please be very detailed about what I need to do, I am really new to this.

Many thanks in advance!

With very best regards,


Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: I have a server, new one. But how to... it's hard for me..
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 03:42:04 AM »
We all have these issues when we first start out, I do a lot of work with teamviewer. if you get that for personal use can show you how to do it step by step. custom taunts is broken for me too but my situation is unique, I will teach you what I know.  ;)
"Someone once told me, scripting lua is like trying to build a rocket ship, once your finished with it and think your done, you start it up only to realize you had just built it upside down." ~Programmer

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