Hi. I'm new to this forum, don't blame me

I managed with alot of tutorials to run a dedicated server. I found wonderful maps and my friends like it very much! Basically means its great. (prop hunt) I'm already feeling a boss as a normal cafe worker, or whatever you call it.. In the Netherlands you call it restaurant manager but I dunno it's the same in English.
Things I figured out are:
- Forwarding my ports
- Letting the download run from my FTP server
- Putting great maps in the "maps" map

Only things which are less great are:
- No-one can pick up items with E like alot of other servers can
- I really don't get how to setup some kind of pointsystem
- Add-ons aren't working (?)
- Adding custom taunts
I did my research but I really can't find anything about this, I don't even know this is the right website to ask this.. But I found alot about GMOD here, so I thought you guys could help me out.. Please be very detailed about what I need to do, I am really new to this.
Many thanks in advance!
With very best regards,