Author Topic: Problems with "Has access to:" and other permissions  (Read 1549 times)

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Offline trentwise

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Problems with "Has access to:" and other permissions
« on: October 24, 2014, 08:55:43 PM »
Hey guys so i have the latest version of ulx and ulib and whene i use !menu then go to settings, all the thruster limits etc which should be on the right of the module are not their. i am a superadmin on the server and i followed all the FAQ threads steps and this is all still happening. i can not edit the permissions of my groups or anything, under where it says "has access to: " it has nothing.
however, this is not consistant, if we have two admins on at once, one of us can usually use it. its extremely buggy and it is not always me. i can sometimes do it, other times my friends who are admins can. what can i do to resolve this? i've tried reinstalling etc. even changing my hud. (SHUD) as i've been informed on the darkrp forums it conflicts with ulx

EDIT: OKAY after reading around i realised it is an exploit in my script running the usual unban this steam id.
" STEAM_0:1:92046224 "
does anyone know how to remove/find the file that is running the unbanning every 5 seconds????
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 09:12:43 PM by trentwise »

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Re: Problems with "Has access to:" and other permissions
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 09:59:10 PM »
I'd suggest text search scanning, with some decent file scanner that will look inside all files, your Gmod folder for "92046224"
Also, make sure you're getting ULib/ULX from our Github site, not any other gmod/non-ulysses site.

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