Ulysses Stuff > Releases
ULX GeoIP -- Look up geographical information on a user based on their IP
Based on some quick Googling, it doesn't look like Valve has enabled support for IPv6 yet.
--- Quote from: Megiddo on October 26, 2014, 01:01:23 PM ---Based on some quick Googling, it doesn't look like Valve has enabled support for IPv6 yet.
--- End quote ---
Well then, looks like I won't need to add support for it yet. :P
Personally I do it like this:
--- Code: ---http.Fetch(
"http://www.telize.com/geoip/" .. ( ply:IPAddress():match("%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+") or "" ),
function( data )
ply.GeoIpData = util.JSONToTable( data )
--- End code ---
I find Telize superior to any other free geoip tools (because I think I tried them all) ;)
Karma++ for a good try ;)
Edit: also avoid the use of SendLua, use net messages instead.
--- Quote from: Chironex on October 29, 2014, 06:18:47 PM ---Personally I do it like this:
--- Code: ---http.Fetch(
"http://www.telize.com/geoip/" .. ( ply:IPAddress():match("%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+") or "" ),
function( data )
ply.GeoIpData = util.JSONToTable( data )
--- End code ---
I find Telize superior to any other free geoip tools (because I think I tried them all) ;)
Karma++ for a good try ;)
Edit: also avoid the use of SendLua, use net messages instead.
--- End quote ---
The code was more or less hastily scrapped together at midnight, and works now. Will refactor and add net messages in next update.
After a bit of fiddling I think I've set up a system for net messages. Haven't tested it yet, still doing code work for my server.
Anyone willing to do a beta for me?
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