Author Topic: !<command> * commands acting strange.  (Read 4077 times)

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!<command> * commands acting strange.
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:08:36 AM »
Why as a superadmin do I do !unfreeze * it says "You unfroze Everyone"

But if a mod does it, we get:
"Infernus Nether unfroze Themself,Aidyn Allsop,Alexander Dvarkar,Benji McFish,Billy O Bob,Bjorn Ferre,Bob Jenkins,COOLLUM Henderson,Che Smith,Dre Silverfoot,Fabian Vendetta,Flabagale Slimey,Frank Dildus,Gannsito Marinela,Harry McMannus,Jeff Jinkens,John Phil,Josh Willis,Kenzo Kenzorelli,Kilo Legin,Larry Edwards,Leonardo Di Caprio,Marco Diaz,Marko Ubi,Perrin Barteaux,Phil McCracken,Phillip Kleiner,Seemore Butts,Tu Dank,dallander jsy,john bob"

Offline Caustic Soda-Senpai

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Re: !<command> * commands acting strange.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 02:33:35 AM »
It means that the mod has run the command on anyone in his or lower than his hierarchy. But not anyone who's higher.

So say for example you have a rank called..lets say Basic Moderator, who can target everyone under another rank we'll call Super Moderator. (shown by !%supermod)

Now let's say the Super Moderator calls the !freeze * command, since he is currently the HIGHEST ranked on the server, and no one is higher than him, the command runs on everyone so it shows "(someone) froze everyone!". Now, after the Super Mod froze everyone, the Basic Mod decided to run the !unfreeze * command. But because the Basic Mod can only target !%supermod (Everyone below supermod) it can't run on the Super Mod. So now ULX can only run on everyone else, causing it to show each name individually.

I hope this little scenario helped clear up what's going on. Keep on playing!
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Re: !<command> * commands acting strange.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 11:53:19 PM »
That makes sense.

Is there a way to make it behave like that but without the spam, I mean we really don't need to know that it only affected users below.

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Re: !<command> * commands acting strange.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 08:45:02 PM »
I don't believe that there is.. I might be wrong though
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Re: !<command> * commands acting strange.
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2014, 10:24:01 AM »
That makes sense.

Is there a way to make it behave like that but without the spam, I mean we really don't need to know that it only affected users below.
Simply comment out the ulx.fancyLogAdmin in "ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/fun.lua" and you should be all set. :)


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Re: !<command> * commands acting strange.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2014, 07:35:59 PM »
Though an older post, found this while looking for something else.
Perhaps someone here could put a request in our suggestion forum stating along the lines of "Please allow option to say 'everyone they could' or 'everyone but those in the group1, group2, group3 groups' when performing commands on * instead of "name1, name2, name3, ..., name16, ..."
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