Author Topic: How to set up cantarget?  (Read 1644 times)

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Offline ajzima32

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How to set up cantarget?
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:52:28 PM »
I have already read a post on this, but I am still VERY confused on how setcangrouptarget works.

Here would be my list of ranks, the first one being the lowest, the last one being the highest.
user - We just ignore this rank.
Guest - target Guest
Member - target Member and everyone up
Trusted - target Trusted and everyone up
Awesome - target Awesome and everyone up
Respected - target Respected and everyone up
Trial Moderator - should be able to target amongst themselves and everyone up
Moderator - same with tmod
Admin - same with mod
Superadmin - we just ignore this rank
Owner - should be able to target EVERYONE

My Trial Moderators are picking up me (the owner) so I want to know how to fix it.

If someone could write me out a list on the commands to put in for each group that would be helpful.

Offline Bladeofhell

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Re: How to set up cantarget?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 02:44:34 PM »
Hello ajzima32,
In order to do this you need to do !menu and go to the groups tab. Then manage groups.
Click on the group and do type in to "Can Target"
%admin, %user, %nextgroup, %nextgroup, %nextgroup, %nextgroup, %nextgroup

Then the group has rights to do commands and I guess physgun too on those groups.

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