Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions

Public Votekick/map

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Yes I know you can give people access to ulx_votekick/map etc BUT.

Wouldn't it be cool to let clients say "votemap" not "!votemap" and have a menu pop up (Just like mani) with a list of the maps in a maplist.lua so they can vote?
I would find this endlessly usefull, I hate trying to teach them them to type it in console for mani.

What if someone wants to say "votemap" randomly ingame?

Then the menu comes up... They could press 0  to cancel or somethign
But noone really says it unless it's in a sentence and doesn't expect to get a votemap.

How many times must I tell you that you can do just that? Simply change the permission on the ulx_votemap command.

Well done.
I've tried it, it works.

"Yes I know you can give people access to ulx_votekick/map etc BUT."

I want one which enables them to type just "votemap" not "!votemap gm_constuct" etc, then a menu would pop up with all the maps in a votemaplist, this means that I could stop them voting for construct becuase with no admin on, they just screw around.

That is what I want, so you don't need to tell me again.


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