I Think i've found the little basterd its hidden
http://puu.sh/cpRn1/c0dd46df21.pngTip for everyone with this problem
1. Move all your addons exept ULX/ULIB & Darkrpmodification to another folder [On your computer or server]
2. Remove the Workshop collection id from the command line
3. Restart the server & join look if its spamming it
4. If it is its in DarkRP modification or the ULX/ULIB [Download them from this website

5. If not add back the workshop
6. Restart the server & join look if its spamming again
7. If it is! Good luck with extracting all the .gma files to find the problem
8. If not then check all your addons from the addon folder try to open every .lua file and press CTRL + F and type in the steamid [http://puu.sh/cpRGr/80a5a851a8.png] [i use Sublime text 2]
9. Once you've found the little basterd [should look similair to
http://puu.sh/cpRn1/c0dd46df21.png] Remove that but keep looking for more exploits
10. Look out with what kind of addons you use from the workshop & Scriptfodder/Coderhire/the internet