Author Topic: Restricting Jobs to ULX Ranks  (Read 2729 times)

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Offline Mark Kane

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Restricting Jobs to ULX Ranks
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:05:13 AM »
Alrighty i tried a BUNCH of stuff to do it and nothing works, and ANY help would be useful at this point
This is my Vip swat code (it works)
Code: [Select]
TEAM_Swat = AddExtraTeam("Swat", Color(65, 21, 132, 255), "models/player/swat.mdl", [[The protector of every citizen that lives in the city. You have the power to arrest criminals and protect innocents. Hit a player with your arrest baton to put them in jail. Bash a player with a stunstick and they may learn to obey the law. The Battering Ram can break down the door of a criminal, with a warrant for their arrest. The Battering Ram can also unfreeze frozen props (if enabled).Type /wanted <name> to alert the public to the presence of a criminal. VIP JOB
]], {"m9k_deagle","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","stunstick","door_ram","weaponchecker"}, "Swat", 5, 100, 0, false, true)

I want to make it VIP only but it doesn't seem to wanna work with the extra code to do that i put in it

I saw a few posts that i should use this format
Code: [Select]
TEAM_ = DarkRP.createJob("", {
    color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
    model = {"models/player/group01/male_01.mdl"},
   description = [[]],
    weapons = {"weapon_ak472"},
    command = "",
    max = 5,
    salary = 45,
    admin = 0,
    vote = false,
    hasLicense = false,
(yes its empty i just used it as a ref)
But this code doesn't work for me it eather disables all the Custom jobs or removes my all the jobs

Like i said any help is greatly appreciated

Thanks In advance

~Mark Kane
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:07:04 AM by Mark Kane »

Offline Avoid

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Re: Restricting Jobs to ULX Ranks
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2015, 03:43:30 AM »
as far as I am concerned DarkRP Jobs use a customCheck to check if the player may use/become this class.

Take a look at this:
Code: [Select]
customCheck = function(ply) return ply:GetNWString("usergroup") == "donator" or ply:IsAdmin() end, -- The extra check function. Enter nil or nothing to not have a restriction

Found by a simple google search: Here


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Re: Restricting Jobs to ULX Ranks
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2015, 06:36:17 AM »
But this code doesn't work for me it eather disables all the Custom jobs or removes my all the jobs

Ensure every setting has a comma after it except the last one.

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Offline Mark Kane

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Re: Restricting Jobs to ULX Ranks
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 04:04:23 PM »
Well thank you all i had a friend help me with it, First server im making to kinda get my feet wet with lua ect. 

But thank you for assisting we will make it trough this together