Author Topic: ULX Votemap - Error  (Read 1557 times)

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Offline Toxic_Terrorists

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ULX Votemap - Error
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:08:23 PM »
Alright so my server provided has a bunch of maps saved and mounted automatically. It comes default that a player could vote for said maps. I have been trying to fix this for the past few hours. I remove the maps from the mapvote list using ulx menu and going to server than settings and what not. Yes I am superadmin and yes I have access to everything. That didn't fix it next map change/server restart it all went back to normal. Then I FTP'ed into the server. I went into garrysmod/data/ulx and edited config.txt and found line 91:ulx votemapMapmode 2 and I set it to 2 so it should only use the maps said in the votemaps.txt. It still doesn't and lets all maps into the vote. I have the setting exclude new maps by default enabled. I have tried editing the config.txt and the votemaps.txt while the server was running and stopped. Both didn't work every map change or server restart it didn't went back to normal and removed all my maps i've added and kept the hl2 source maps and what not....

Yes I am running the latest versions of ULX and ULIB, and no I have no addons interfering that is causing this issue.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 08:23:19 PM by Toxic_Terrorists »