Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Rsay for ULX
Appledevdude .:
I have basically created another version of tsay, but the text shows up red, thats what the r stands for in rsay.
Console: ulx rsay
Chat: !rsay
Just drag the rsay.lua into your sh folder!
Interesting idea.
Suggestion -
Learn to make addon format, or if already know how, release as such.
This not only distinguishes your release, it helps keep it intact when someone re-installs ULX in the future.
(Imagine re-installing a server and realizing you lose rsay and forger where you got it and forgot it was just put in the ulx folder when reviewing what to download by looking at \addons)
Sure, it's a small addon, but there are good reasons to keep separate.
This saves a lot of time for me because i have HatsChat2 and i just do @@hi if i need to talk in that but this seems like its going to help! Maybe make it so there is a color picker inside the menu and you can choose the color like the ULX advert system!
Maybe ill work on this too! Idk
Awesome creation though
perfectly fit for my server. woohoo! ^.^
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