Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Leaderboards Records! [1.04v]
Bite That Apple:
Updated it so just in case user does not use ulx, it won't cause an error.
Bite That Apple:
--- Quote from: JosephTD on November 09, 2015, 11:45:19 PM ---Mine counts deaths but not kills? an you help me?
--- End quote ---
My pakistan internet won't allow me to upload this anywhere else except here. This file is not useful to anyone else except him.
Well, Prop Hunt is using "pl:KillSilent()" when killing Props and then broadcasting the player, victim, and inflictor. Only Hunters use "Player:Kill," thus only counting deaths of Hunters. I'm trying to rewrite the sv_leaderboards to hook onto Prop Hunt's "ENT:OnTakeDamage(dmg)" function found in "prop_hunt\entities\ph_prop\init.lua" Then I will filter out when the prop dies, it will trigger the rest of the original "PDLeaderBoards" function, using the name variables from the "ENT:OnTakeDamage(dmg)" function. I'm no good coder, but it doesn't hurt to try. If someone has a better solution or a fix already, please let me know!
EDIT: I gave it a couple tries for about half and hour and couldn't make it work.
Bite That Apple:
I fixed this addon. Garry decided to break some things a few weeks/months ago with linux machines, and ye.
Undercover Orange:
great scoreboard. after a small tweak I got it to work on my prop hunt server. but is there any way for my to reset it? could you add a ulx command to do that or do i need to do it in the files?
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