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Admin Reports / Admin notify

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Admin Reports (Call Admin)

It is my first release post here so please bear with me!  :) ::)
This admin reports addon sends notification messages on steam to all friends using a third party steam bot.

Youtube Video:


* A linux/windows server or vps with nodejs(min required version: v0.12.2)
* A steam account. (Just make one, it takes 1 min.)
* Some skill :P
How to set up?
https://github.com/azarus/AdminReports - Download

This addon has 2 parts: a game server addon and a steambot.
The steambot can run on any machine linux or windows, but it requires nodejs(v0.12.2).
I recomend using linux.

Just upload the adminreport folder to your addons folder.

Server cvars:

--- Code: ---ulx adminreport_remotehost "http://mysteambot:8000/" // This is used by the game server to send out notifications to the steambot. Server ip and port (Not the game server's ip!)
ulx adminreport_remotepassword "password" // This is the password we set in the steambot's file
ulx adminreport_delay 60 // Delay between 2 reports (Anti spam purposes)
--- End code ---
Note that you need the http:// in the adminreport_remotehost cvar!

Steam Bot
I am going to make a short tutorial video on how to setup the steambot because it might be complicate for non-expert users.

If you don't have a server, i recommend digital ocean it is cheap and reliable.

For digital ocean sign up here!  ($5 / month. + $10 credit for free! If you use this link!)

If you don't have spare $5 dollars then you can use your own computer but it requires port forwarding and i will not describe it here sorry.

So i assume you already have a VPS setup and running and you're logged in.
(Root access needed!)


First create a directory and enter

--- Code: ---mkdir steambot
cd steambot

--- End code ---

Install NodeJS and its dependencies:

--- Code: ---yum update
curl -sL [url]https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup[/url] | bash -
yum install -y nodejs
yum install wget

--- End code ---

Grab NodeJs: (Note that we need v0.12.2 thats why we're not using the package manager!)

--- Code: ---wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.12.2/node-v0.12.2-linux-x64.tar.gz
--- End code ---

Extract and copy required files:

--- Code: ---tar xzf node-v0.12.2-linux-x64.tar.gz
cp ./node-v0.12.2-linux-x64/bin/node node

--- End code ---

Install dependencies (using npm):

--- Code: ---npm install steam
npm install underscore
npm install winston
npm install express
npm install body-parser
--- End code ---

Download the Bot:

--- Code: ---wget [url]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azarus/AdminReports/master/steambot/Release/app.js[/url]
--- End code ---

Open app.js and edit the following lines:

--- Code: ---var USERNAME = "test1"; // Steam Username
var PASSWORD = "test2"; // Steam Password
var STEAMNAME = "Chat Bot"; // The display name on steam
var SRVPW = "password"; // Remote Password This is used by the Cvar(adminreport_remotepassword)
var SRVPORT = 8000; // Remove listen port this is used by the cvar (adminreport_remotehost)

--- End code ---

Start the bot:

--- Code: ---./node ./app.js
--- End code ---

To make it running in the background you need to install screen

--- Code: ---yum install screen
apt-get install screen
--- End code ---

Depends on what Os you have installed.

--- Code: ---screen -mdS steambot ./node ./app.js
--- End code ---


Just download node and start it from the command line.

--- Code: ---node app.js
--- End code ---

GitHub Page:
Just press the download-zip button.


If you have any questions feel free to add me on steam.

That's really neat.  I've always wanted to try making something like this, but never tried.  I've used one before and they're amazing if you get them working right.

Pretty hard set up not gonna lie and not much support... (-1 karma sorry)

Update: Still don't know how to do this but the menu is good!


--- Quote ---Pretty hard set up not gonna lie
--- End quote ---
I am going to make a short tutorial video on how to setup the steambot because it might be complicate for non-expert users.

Quoted from my original post.

--- Quote ---and not much support... (-1 karma sorry)
--- End quote ---
Not much support?
I even made an exclusive video tutorial just for you:

And your Karma is -33

You're funny!

Caustic Soda-Senpai:

--- Quote from: azarus on April 14, 2015, 06:07:53 PM ---
I even made an exclusive video tutorial just for you:

--- End quote ---

And his post is still pretty in-depth.


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