Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Fakename - Go Undercover!

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Have you tested it yet?

Here is a fix for the player not showing up as the rank they're supposed to show up as in the ULX playerarg list and in the "ulx who" command

WARNING: These files will overwrite the commands.lua and util.lua within the ULX, if you are using a modified version of commands.lua/util.lua or an updated ULX and ULib that has changed the commands.lua/util.lua in some way, those modifications will no longer exist and could break your ULX/ULib.  This version is made for ULib version 2.52 ULX version 3.62. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

Put the commands.lua in fakename/lua/ulx/xgui/

Put the util.lua in fakename/lua/ulx/modules/sh/


--- Quote from: captainz on June 10, 2015, 07:57:54 PM ---Doesn't work with Darkrp though!  :( :(

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--- Quote from: captainz on June 16, 2015, 07:00:08 PM ---Have you tested it yet?

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Fixed 154058ca54.  I assume DarkRP overwrites the name functions as well (to add nicknames or something like that).  I simply added more things to hopefully ensure we are the last to overwrite anything.

Ryan Hemmet:
I wonder if it would be suspicious to go undercover as Nyan Yemmet.. hmmmm....

Anyways, I love this because otherwise I need to change my name on steam, change my group, etc.


--- Quote from: Ryan Hemmet on August 06, 2015, 10:37:45 AM ---I wonder if it would be suspicious to go undercover as Nyan Yemmet.. hmmmm....

Anyways, I love this because otherwise I need to change my name on steam, change my group, etc.

--- End quote ---
Not at all!  This is indeed one of my favorites from a server I used to admin on a long time ago.  Simply recreated for ULX.


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