I noticed this for aslayid (Tommys rdm manager) and figured it would be a problem, so I just didn't give it to the lower ranks. I did not know this could be done with any ID commands, because I give the lower staff the banid command (max 24 hours until approved for longer length).
I've had 0 problems with anyone getting banned who shouldnt have been banned. Then again, as of right now, myself and the co owner are the only ones above them (i keep my staff exclusive). So I haven't had any issues, and I don't expect to. Although the slayid I may see a few <censor> arounds here and there, but I just didn't want to bother with that situation of reprimanding for something so benign.
in any event, for the banid, i just created a thread in my staff's steam group and have them post their request for banning users, and whoever has the power to carry out the request can do so.