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New versions of ULib and ULX and the opening our new server!
ULib changelog:
--- Quote ---v2.04 - *(05/05/07)*
* [ADD] ULib.isSandbox
* [ADD] Player/ent hooks DisallowMoving, DisallowDeleting, DisallowSpawning, DisallowNoclip
* [ADD] Some vgui libs (URoundButton, URoundMenu)
* [FIX] Double printing in console.
* [CHANGE] Implemented garry's "proper" way of including c-side files.
* [CHANGE] Implemented client side UCL
* [CHANGE] Now in addon format
* [CHANGE] Slapping noclipped players will take them out of noclip to prevent them flying very far out of the world
* [CHANGE] Improved the umsg send/receive functions
* [REMOVED] Hexing system to get around garry's ConCommand() blocks. Very little is blocked now.
* [REMOVED] Dll, MOTD functionality is handled by ULX now.
--- End quote ---
ULX changelog:
--- Quote ---v3.10 - *(05/05/07)*
* [ADD] Admins with slap access can move players now.
* [ADD] Chat anti-spam
* [ADD] ulx addForcedDownload for configs
* [ADD] Per-gamemode config folder
* [ADD] Voting! ulx vote, ulx votemap2, ulx voteban, ulx votekick
* [ADD] Maps menu
* [ADD] Lots more features to logging, like object spawn logging.
* [ADD] Reserved slots
* [FIX] Lots of minor insignificant bugs
* [FIX] Jail issues
* [FIX] Logging player connect on dedicated server issues
* [FIX] Now takes advantage of fixed umsgs. Fixes rare crash.
* [FIX] Can now psay immune players
* [FIX] Minor bugs in logs
* [CHANGE] Logs will now wrap to new date if server's on past midnight
* [CHANGE] You can now use the admin menu in gamemodes derived from sandbox.
* [CHANGE] Cleaned up now obsolete GetTable() calls
* [CHANGE] Motd is now driven by lua. Much easier to deal with, fixes many problems.
* [CHANGE] Can now use sv_cheats 1/0 from ulx rcon (dodges block)
* [CHANGE] ulx lua_run is now ulx luarun to dodge another block
* [CHANGE] Now in addon format
* [CHANGE] ulx ignite will now last until you die and can spread.
* [CHANGE] Global toolmode deny doesn't affect admins.
--- End quote ---
As always, download these from our homepage at
We also have a new Ulysses server named "Ulysses HQ"! We're located at Come stop by after installing your new ULX and ULib! We've also opened new forums for this event.
You can also click here to connect: steam://connect/
Congrats on the new server! And the new version of ULX/ULib seems to be working great! ;D
Thanks for your excellent help in tracking down bugs and letting us turn your server into a mini-dev server WildWill! :)
So what should I delete from the old ULX and Ulib since this is an addon?
Below is everything that was installed in the previous version of ULX/ULib. You can leave the data files, but delete everything else.
/garrysmod/data/ULib/* <-- Leave these if you don't want to redo your users!
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