Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Nomalua -- GMod/Lua malware scanner (v1.20)

<< < (4/5) > >>

Thrilled that it found something for you.  That made it worth it, right there.  Unfortunately I've begun realizing that the flexibility of the lua lexicon is so bloody vast that trying to detect bad code smells, anti patterns and malevolent code automatically is a fool's errand, so I've kinda let this project die a natural death. 

Why not change this into a sort of lua firewall? Catch all calls to external domains etc, etc... Also a net message firewall would be useful as many cheaters exploit net messages (Bridgehack).

That's a good idea, though it would change the design pretty dramatically.  Right now this is an on-demand code scanner.  What you're suggesting would be more of a real-time intercept.  If I resurrect this thing at some point I may move in that direction though.  Code parsing was a bad idea.  :)

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array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given

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