Author Topic: DeathRanks | ULX Ranks on Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun Scoreboard  (Read 6851 times)

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Offline monkeymacman

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What this Is:
This is an addon that adds a player's ulx rank on the right of their name for Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun Gamemode. It also adds a right click menu to quickly perform ulx commands on the selected player. One of the main goals for this addon is to be as user friendly as possible, so there is easy configuration.
What this Is Not:
This is NOT a full custom scoreboard. This uses the default scoreboard for Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun as a base, then builds on top of it. None of the main scoreboard was made by me, the parts of it that were done by me are found in the Features section and the Config section of this post.
  • Display a player's ulx rank on the right side of their name bar
  • Perform quick commands on a player by right clicking their name on the scoreboard
  • Client-Side voice mute by left clicking on a player's name
  • User friendly configuration: See section Config for more info
Config Options:
  • Display Column Names above Scoreboard
  • Display a player's hours recorded with UTime on the scoreboard
  • Display server hostname above the scoreboard instead of at the bottom left
  • Name color for people in a group (any RGB Value, or a constantly changing rainbow color)
  • Group name to display on the scoreboard (For example, so superadmin can be displayed as S.Admin or Owner, instead of superadmin)
  • Amount of pixels to offset Rank column (as well as all other columns) to the left
  • Color of scoreboard background (Any RGBA color, including completely transparent, or a translucent color)
  • Color of the background for a player's name (default gray)
  • Display map name on scoreboard
  • Display an icon for a rank (optional and is more for just higher ranks  and individual players)
  • Color display for an icon (see above)
  • Display a tooltip (small message) above a player's name when you hover over it (same deal as icons)
  • Option to set up all config for a rank for an individual player by steam ID
To Do:
  • Create a config option to display a player's pointshop points (1 or 2)

Important Notice: For small updates I will not update the Ulysses download! For the most up-to-date version of the addon please download from github!
To install just unzip the archive and drop the unzipped file in the garrysmod/addons/ folder
Keep in mind you must be signed in to download files.
GitHub: Here
The gamemode itself can be found here:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 02:27:28 PM by monkeymacman »

Offline monkeymacman

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Re: DeathRanks | ULX Ranks on Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun Scoreboard
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2016, 02:29:50 PM »
Extremely important update: Very sorry, I was a fool and ended up making it so that it didn't display your own ping (and maybe rank, too), that is fixed now.

Offline Dylan Baldwin

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Re: DeathRanks | ULX Ranks on Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun Scoreboard
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2016, 02:55:46 PM »
Wonderful addon! Works like a charm! i suggest downloading this if you are running a deathrun server.

Offline monkeymacman

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Re: DeathRanks | ULX Ranks on Mr. Gash's (.\\Shadow's) Deathrun Scoreboard
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 01:55:21 PM »
Update 2.0 Changelog:
  • Ability to set rank config options for individual players by SteamID (Yay!, this also means that config has been changed around and is much easier to use, something long overdue)
  • Client-side mute button re-added (I guess it wasn't actually broken, but ply:SetMuted runs on all bots when used on a bot for some reason and I have no testing friends)
  • Icons are in! Now you can set an icon to be displayed next to a player's rank (this is entirely optional and is mainly for important ranks and individual players) icons are found at
  • Icons have customizable colors! Don't like the colors of the icon? Set the color with RGB and it stays around the range of that color!
  • Tooltips have been added, these show up when you hover over a player's name (these are optional, same as the icons)
  • Alignment in the scoreboard is now much better! instead of everything being aligned by the left, which looks horrible, ranks are now centered, and UTime hours are aligned to the right so that the word "Hours" lines up in each row, as well as the numbers.
  • If a player has 1 Hour (if UTime hours display is enabled) it will actually now display as "1 Hour" instead of the previous "1 Hours", a small change but it makes it more pleasant nonetheless.
I figured that because of all the features I added (still not Pointshop points, yet, though) it was a good time to update it to version 2.0. It looks much nicer now (to me it does, anyway) and has so many more features. I hope you guys enjoy. Have a good day!
Side-Note: Do you guys think it would be weird if I also released this on facepunch? I don't think I will, but I might if I add more support for other admin mods.

One of us.. One of us.. One of us...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 02:00:13 PM by monkeymacman »