Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Jailbreak Commands


Ryan Hemmet:
These are ULX Jailbreak commands for Excl's Jailbreak 7. I used to develop on a jailbreak server so I made these commands. Some servers have this already since I sold it on CoderFlow for a little bit for really cheap. PayPal actually took most of my earnings from it because of the small fee.

The commands included are the following:

ulx prisoner [name] (!setprisoner) : Sets the user as a prisoner.
ulx guard [name] (!setguard) : Sets the user as a guard
ulx spectate [name] (!setspector) : Sets the user as a spectator
ulx warden [name] (!setwarden) : Sets a guard as the warden
ulx removewarden [name] (!removewarden) : Removes warden status
ulx endround (!endround) : Ends the current round

ulx rebel [name] (!rebel) : Sets a player's rebel status
ulx norebel (!nobebel) : Sets a player to not rebelling

I am always open for more ideas of what I could include.

Just throw the attached file in the ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh folder

[aBoom] Erik @Membersuche:
Hey, maybe u can help me.

i cant use votes ( votekick,voteban,votemap) because the JB7 Inventory.

maybe anyone else have the Probleme ...

The vote is created but i cant vote.

i tryed out to change the binds but cant find it.

Sorry for my bad english :(

Caustic Soda-Senpai:
No, it's the same thing for everyone; I've been looking for a workaround myself.


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