Ulysses Stuff > Releases
[TTT] Scoreboard Ranks for ULX - Version 1.2.0
This is a project I started a while ago, but never got around to test and eventually forgot it. Saw it in my repos and decided I'd create a post for it on the forums.
The project aims to simplify adding custom ranks for both specific users and groups. You can style the ranks with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color values or add a "rainbow" effect that cycles through the colors.
The commands will be listed in the following format: "command" <parameters> -- Command description/explanation
The console commands have a "ulx " prefix, such as: "ulx command".
The chat commands have a "!" prefix, such as: "!command".
The commands will be listed by permissions. This is just by default and can be edited via ULX/XGUI as any other commands.
* Admins:
* "addrank" <player> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank for a player, with custom colors using RGB
* "addrankid" <steam_id> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank of a Steam ID, with custom colors using RGB
* "changerank" <player> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- See "addrank" - Only works for existing custom ranks.
* "changerankid" <steam_id> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- See "addrankid" - Only works for existing custom ranks.
* "removerank" <player> -- Removes someone's custom rank if it exists.
* "removerankid" <steam_id> -- Removes someone's custom rank (using their Steam ID) if it exists.
* "rainbowrank" <player> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a player and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* "rainbowrankid" <steam_id> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a Steam ID and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* Superadmins:
* "addgrouprank" <group name> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank for a group, with custom colors using RGB
* "removegrouprank" <group name> -- Removes a custom group rank.
* "rainbowgrouprank" <group name> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a group and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* "columnname" <column name/title> -- Changes the column name/title that is displayed at the top of the scoreboard.
* "defaultrank" <rank> -- Changes the default rank for players and groups that have no custom rank. This rank is by default RGB: 255, 255, 255 (white), but can be modified with "defaultcolor".
* "defaultcolor" <red> <green> <blue> -- Changes the color of the default rank for players and groups that have no custom rank. Default is RGB: 255, 255, 255 (white).
* "columnwidth" <width> -- Changes the column width in the scoreboard.
Default settings:
The default settings can be found here, just in case you would like to reset them back to default.
* Default rank: Guest
* Default column title: Rank
* Default column width: 80
This has the following settings:
* Default rank: Guest (not displayed)
* Column title: Title
* Column width: 120
* Download and extract the zip file. You should get a file called "ttt-sb-ranks"
* Upload it to your <garrysmod>/addons/ folder (on your server), so you have the folder structure: <garrysmod>/addons/ttt-sb-ranks
* Change the map or restart the server
Source code:
The most up-to-date source code can be found on the GitHub repository: https://github.com/Decicus/TTT-Scoreboard-Ranks-for-ULX
I would not recommend using it from that page (unless you download via the "Releases" page), as it may be untested.
The latest, stable version will be available at the bottom of this post.
Please keep in mind you have to be registered and logged in to download it directly from this thread.
* Version 1.2.0 - Released: 2019-01-13:
* Adds "ulx defaultcolor" for modifying the color of the default rank.
* Version 1.1.1:
* Hotfixes a scoreboard issue with missing MIA and CD players.
* Version 1.1:
* Added the ability to add, modify, remove and "rainbow" someones rank using their Steam ID.
* Version 1.0:
* Added the ability to add, modify, remove and "rainbow" someones rank using their player name (has to be connected).
* Added the ability to modify the default rank, width of column for ranks and name of said column.
* Added the ability to add, modify, remove and "rainbow" ranks for groups.
Other notes:
Feel free to contact me either via this thread, a PM on this forum or by e-mail (alex@thomassen.xyz) if you have any questions.
Version history:
All older and current releases can be found here on the following mirrors:
* https://decicus.com/ttt-sb-ranks/
* https://files.decic.us/ttt-sb-ranks/
* GitHub releases
As I already wrote when I replied to your topic in the "Developers Corner", I would have no way of currently supporting that unless you edit the core gamemode files themselves. This is not possible as an addon.
Bite That Apple:
Looks really nice, I don't entirely understand it, but looks nice.
Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk:
We're having a bit of a problem with this addon.
It randomly causes players to not see "Missing in Action" or "Confirmed Dead" players.
Here is a screenshot of how it looks for me, and this is a screenshot how it looks for another player (note the missing players in the colums "Missing in Action" and "Confirmed Dead").
We're using the version linked in your first post and not from Github.
--- Quote from: Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk on August 30, 2015, 03:42:49 PM ---We're having a bit of a problem with this addon.
It randomly causes players to not see "Missing in Action" or "Confirmed Dead" players.
Here is a screenshot of how it looks for me, and this is a screenshot how it looks for another player (note the missing players in the colums "Missing in Action" and "Confirmed Dead").
We're using the version linked in your first post and not from Github.
--- End quote ---
Sorry for the late reply, I have been travelling for a few days.
This is an issue someone reported to me a little while back on Steam, but I never managed to find a fix for it. The only thing I do to edit the scoreboard, is to use TTT hooks, which makes me believe this is a TTT issue and not an addon issue, but I cannot confirm that 100%.
The other thing is, was that I wasn't able to fully reproduce this bug. At least not with just ULib, ULX and this addon running on TTT.
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