Ulysses Stuff > Releases
[TTT] Scoreboard Ranks for ULX - Version 1.2.0
Can you do a name color ulx command and so on plz <3
--- Quote from: C.Finley on June 26, 2016, 10:46:06 AM ---Can you do a name color ulx command and so on plz <3
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--- Quote from: Decicus on May 28, 2015, 06:16:12 AM ---Commands:
The commands will be listed in the following format: "command" <parameters> -- Command description/explanation
The console commands have a "ulx " prefix, such as: "ulx command".
The chat commands have a "!" prefix, such as: "!command".
The commands will be listed by permissions. This is just by default and can be edited via ULX/XGUI as any other commands.
* Admins:
* "addrank" <player> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank for a player, with custom colors using RGB[/i]
* "addrankid" <steam_id> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank of a Steam ID, with custom colors using RGB[/i]
* "changerank" <player> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- See "addrank" - Only works for existing custom ranks.
* "changerankid" <steam_id> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- See "addrankid" - Only works for existing custom ranks.
* "removerank" <player> -- Removes someone's custom rank if it exists.
* "removerankid" <steam_id> -- Removes someone's custom rank (using their Steam ID) if it exists.
* "rainbowrank" <player> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a player and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* "rainbowrankid" <steam_id> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a Steam ID and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* Superadmins:
* "addgrouprank" <group name> <rank> <red> <green> <blue> -- Adds or changes rank for a group, with custom colors using RGB
* "removegrouprank" <group name> -- Removes a custom group rank.
* "rainbowgrouprank" <group name> <rank> -- Adds/changes rank of a group and sets the color to cycle ("rainbow").
* "columnname" <column name/title> -- Changes the column name/title that is displayed at the top of the scoreboard.
* "defaultrank" <rank> -- Changes the default rank for players and groups that have no custom rank. This rank is RGB: 255, 255, 255 (white).
* "columnwidth" <width> -- Changes the column width in the scoreboard.
--- End quote ---
Unless you mean in chat, in which case that would be a separate addon.
No he only does rank colors i mean add a name color one your rank is basically color = Color(....) while name = color( one for rank one for name like easy scoreboard cause i know you took the rgb setup from there so example EZS.Ranks["sadmin"] = { name = "Super Admin", color = Color( 255, 0, 255 ), namecolor = "rainbow", admin = true }
--- Quote from: C.Finley on June 26, 2016, 10:51:02 AM ---No he only does rank colors i mean add a name color one
--- End quote ---
Ooooh, wait, I misread that.
Decicius is online... *poke*?
--- Quote from: C.Finley on June 26, 2016, 10:46:06 AM ---Can you do a name color ulx command and so on plz <3
--- End quote ---
Sadly, my interest in this addon isn't as what it used to be, so I will have to say no to that (at least in the foreseeable future). Sorry.
As I've mentioned before, the addon is open-source and listed on GitHub - If anyone wishes to modify it for one reason or another, the license allows them to.
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